Thursday 1 March 2012

Fertilization-Preschooler-Human Sperm-Fruit Flies

Paternal Components In Fruit Flies And Humans May Contribute To Fertilization And Embryonic Development

It had long been assumed that the human sperm cell's mission in life ended once it had transferred its freight of parental DNA to the egg. More recently however, other components of sperm have been implicated in fertilization, and perhaps even in subsequent embryonic development... read more..

Who's in the know? To a preschooler, the person doing the pointing

If you want a preschooler to get the point, point. That's a lesson that can be drawn from a new study. As part of their investigation of how small children know what other people know, the authors found they were able to mislead preschoolers with the simple introduction of a pointing gesture. read more..

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