Tuesday 13 March 2012

Mount Sinai School Of Medicine-Drosophila Melanogaster-Genetic Instructions-Therapeutic Target

Promising New Drug Target For Kidney Disease Identified

Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have identified a Regulator protein that plays a crucial role in kidney fibrosis, a condition that leads to Kidney Failure. Finding this regulator provides a new therapeutic Target for the millions of Americans affected by kidney failure. The research is published in Nature Medicine... read more..

Studying Drosophila Advances Research Into Human Diseases

More than two-thirds of human genes have Counterparts in the well-studied fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, so although it may seem that humans don't have much in common with flies, the correspondence of our genetic instructions is astonishing. In fact, there are hundreds of inherited diseases in humans that have Drosophila counterparts... read more..

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