Thursday 5 April 2012

Aids Healthcare Foundation-Yeghiayan Friedman-Ahf

By Lori Yeghiayan FriedmanAIDS Healthcare Foundation recently...

By Lori Yeghiayan FriedmanAIDS Healthcare Foundation recently brought its expert brand of HIV/AIDS services to the people of the deep South when one of its AHF “Magic Johnson” mobile testing units arrived on the steps of the Capitol in Jackson, Mississippi.
The services showcased by AHF were just a preview of coming attractions. Within the year, AHF will open an AHF Healthcare Center, as well as an AHF Pharmacy and HIV testing facility in Jackson. In addition, the group—the largest global AIDS organization—will operate a mobile unit, serving Jackson and the surrounding areas, in order to provide services to hard to reach populations.More info on this story at read more..

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