Monday 19 March 2012

American Heart Association-Personal Digital Assistant-Physical Activity Programs

Electronic Device Helps Overweight And Obese Adults Stick To Diet, Exercise Regime

Overweight and obese adults who used an electronic diary program on a personal digital assistant did better at staying on Diet and physical activity programs, researchers reported at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 Scientific Sessions... read more..

T. rex's killer smile revealed

One of the most prominent features of life-size models of Tyrannosaurus rex is its fearsome array of flesh-ripping, bone-crushing teeth. New research shows that the T. rex’s front teeth gripped and pulled, while the teeth along the side of the jaw punctured and tore flesh. read more..

Physicists simulate strongly correlated fermions

Combining known factors in a new way, physicists have solved an intractable 50-year-old problem: How to simulate strongly interacting quantum systems to accurately predict their properties. It could lead to superconductor applications and solving high-energy physics and ultra-cold atoms problems. read more..

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