Wednesday 21 March 2012

Estrogen Receptor Positive-Oestrogen Receptor-Academic Journal-Cancer Patients-Anesthesiology

Women With Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer Can Safely Bear Children

New research has shown for the first time that it is safe for Women who have been diagnosed with oestrogen receptor positive Breast Cancer to become pregnant, despite doctors' previous fears that pregnancy could boost levels of oestrogen in the body and cause the Cancer to return... read more..

New Evidence Strengthens Link Between Opioids And Cancer Growth

Opioid drugs used to relieve pain in postoperative and chronic Cancer patients may stimulate the growth and spread of tumors, according to two studies and a commentary in the 2012 annual Journal Symposium issue of Anesthesiology, the academic journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists... read more..

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