Thursday 1 March 2012

Antiretroviral Therapies-Equatorial Rainforest-Rare And Endangered-Population Decline

Genetics of endangered African monkey suggest troubles from warming climate

A rare and endangered monkey in an African equatorial rainforest is providing a look into our climatic future through its DNA. Its genes show that wild drills, already an overhunted species, may see a dramatic population decline if the forest dries out and vegetation becomes sparser amid warming temperatures, researchers report. read more..

Old drug reveals new tricks: How interferon works to suppress virus in patients with HIV, hepatitis

A drug once taken by people with HIV/AIDS but long ago shelved after newer, modern antiretroviral therapies became available has now shed light on how the human body uses its natural immunity to fight the virus—work that could help uncover new targets for drugs. read more..

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