Wednesday 4 January 2012

Pricey Gym Membership-Strength Training-Processed Food-Carbohydrates

HOW SUGAR AND REFINED Carbohydrates CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH? HOW SUGAR AND REFINED CARBOHYDRATES CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH: If you consider how much sugar and processed food many people are eating on a regular basis, the prevalence of obesity and poor health shouldn’t be all that surprising. ... read more..

Can't afford a pricey gym membership? Swap in these body weight moves! (They're...

Can't afford a pricey gym membership? Swap in these body weight moves! (They're just as effective--if not more--than their machine counterparts.) Rage Against the Machines | Fitbiefitbie.msn.comWhen it comes to strength training, using dumbbells—or your own body weight—may be your smartest sculpting move. Learn more on Fitbie. read more..

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