Tuesday 31 January 2012

Don't start the New Year with a ton of clutter--it could sabotage your goals! Se...

Don't start the New Year with a ton of clutter--it could sabotage your goals! Se...

Don't start the New Year with a ton of clutter--it could sabotage your goals! See easy tips to keep the kitchen clean here. Organize A Healthy Kitchen | Fitbiefitbie.msn.com read more..

Looking at Aging with Fresh Eyes

Remember the old saying, "You're only as old as you feel?" It needs to be replaced. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has some bad-feeling moments as they cross into their 60s, 70s, and 80s. No--the accurate catch-phrase for aging, particularly among active baby boomers, should be, "You're only as old as you act." read more..

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