Sunday 29 January 2012

Painful Menstrual Periods-Birth Control Pills-Swedish Researchers-Menstrual Cramps

Women on the Pill have less menstrual pain
Dangerous Blood Clots-Birth Control Pills-Generation
A box of Tri-Cyclen Lo birth control medication for women is seen in a pharmacy in Toronto

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Young women on birth control pills tend to have less painful menstrual periods than those not on the contraceptives, a new study finds. Swedish researchers found that of 2,100 women followed from age 19 to 24, those on the combined birth control pill (estrogen and progestin) had less-severe menstrual pain over time. It's already common practice for doctors to recommend the Pill to women with dysmenorrhea -- menstrual cramps, back pain and other symptoms that are severe enough to disrupt a woman's life. ... read more..

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