Friday 30 March 2012

San Francisco Va Medical Center-Maternal And Child Mortality-University Of California

Degree Of Lifetime Stress Exposure Linked To Inflammation In Heart Disease

Greater lifetime exposure to the Stress of traumatic events was linked to higher levels of Inflammation in a study of almost 1,000 patients with Cardiovascular Disease led by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and the University of California, San Francisco... read more..

Ghana: Improving Maternal Mortality - Moving From Promises to Action

[Public Agenda] The Executive Director of the Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights (ARHR), Vicky Okine, says there is the need for collaboration of all relevant stakeholders towards the fight against maternal and child mortality and accelerate progress towards achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5. read more..

Top Spring Break Destinations-Workplace-Exercise-Wine

Is your workplace diet-friendly? Get the scoop on how to outfit your desk for he...

Is your workplace diet-friendly? Get the scoop on how to outfit your desk for health with a few simple tips.
Exercise, Nutrition, Fitness and Workout Videos | Fitbie
Watch free online videos about dieting, weight loss, exercise & fitness, nutrition, and personal stories for your best body ever. read more..

Sure, a week of wine guzzling sounds grand--but spring break in Napa can be a he...

Sure, a week of Wine guzzling sounds grand--but Spring Break in Napa can be a healthy vacation too! Find out why it make our list of top destinations for fitness, here.
8 Top Spring Break Destinations for Fitness | Fitbie
Say goodbye to snow and cold with these scenic cycling trips, city running tours, and zen-inducing yoga retreats read more..

Thursday 29 March 2012

The Canadian Physical Activity-Fitness Practitioners-The Canadian Society-Sedentary Behaviour

New Canadian Guidelines For Physical Activity And Sedentary Behaviour For Ages 0-4 Years

In response to an urgent call from public health, Health Care, child care, and fitness practitioners, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), with assistance from multiple partners, has developed two important sets of Guidelines directed at improving the health and activity levels of infants and toddlers. The Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for the Early Years (aged 0-4 years) and the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for the Early Years (aged 0-4 years) are presented in the April 2012 issue of the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism (APNM)... read more..

Perfect Space-Nutrition-Exercise

Don't have time to make it to the yoga studio? Create a perfect space for your p...

Don't have time to make it to the yoga studio? Create a perfect space for your practice at home!
Exercise, Nutrition, Fitness and Workout Videos | Fitbie
Watch free online videos about dieting, weight loss, exercise & fitness, nutrition, and personal stories for your best body ever. read more..

Dream Running Shoes

What do your dream running shoes look like? And more importantly, how do they fi...

What do your Dream Running Shoes look like? And more importantly, how do they fit? Now it's your call: Design YOUR perfect pair with this app from Nike! (SPONSORED) read more..

Scarce Resources

Humans began walking upright to carry scarce resources, chimp study suggests

Most of us walk and carry items in our hands every day. These are seemingly simple activities that the majority of us don't question. But scientists have discovered that human bipedalism, or walking upright, may have originated millions of years ago as an adaptation to carrying scarce, high-quality resources. read more..

Wednesday 28 March 2012

What do you think of these editor-designed kicks? (She definitely loves bold col...

What do you think of these editor-designed kicks? (She definitely loves bold col...

What do you think of these editor-designed kicks? (She definitely loves bold colors!) Create your own pair using the Nike Free Run iD app here! (SPONSORED)
HootSuite Photos read more..

High Blood Sugar-Cardiac Arrest-Mother Nature-Boat

High blood sugar lowers chances of surviving a heart attack

Patients with high blood sugar run an increased risk of dying if they have a heart attack, and diabetics are less likely to survive in-hospital Cardiac Arrest than non-diabetics, reveals new research. read more..

Materials Inspired by Mother Nature: One-Pound Boat That Could Float 1,000 Pounds

Combining the secrets that enable water striders to walk on water and give wood its lightness and strength yielded an amazing material so buoyant that, in everyday terms, a Boat made from 1 pound of it could carry five kitchen refrigerators, about 1,000 pounds. It is one of the lightest solid substances in the world. read more..

Partners In Population And Development-Regional Consultation-Legal Documentation

Zimbabwe: Maternal Mortality Funds Yet to Be Disbursed

[The Herald] ABOUT US$100 000 raised under a Campaign to end pregnancy related deaths and complications has not been used, 17 months after those responsible for using the money are awaiting legal documentation to enable them to disburse it. read more..

Uganda: Policymakers Review Maternal Mortality Progress

[Independent] On 27 March, policymakers and advocates from sub-Saharan Africa gathered in Kampala, Uganda, at a regional consultation convened by Partners in Population and Development and global advocacy organization Women Deliver. read more..

Human Papillomavirus-Cervical Conditions-Healthday News-Hpv Vaccine-Women

HPV Vaccine May Help Women With Cervical Conditions

TUESDAY, March 27 (Healthday News) -- A new study finds that Women diagnosed with pre-cancerous cervical conditions after they get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can still benefit from the shot because it cuts their risk of future HPV-related cervical disease. read more..

Sexual And Reproductive Health-Youth Advocates-Kampala, Uganda-Policymakers

Africa: Leaders Tackle Maternal, Reproductive Health

[This Day] Next week, policymakers and advocates will meet in Kampala, Uganda, to push for accelerated progress in improving maternal, sexual and Reproductive Health for girls and women. Convened by Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office and Women Deliver, a global advocacy organisation, this consultation will bring together parliamentarians, government ministry officials, civil society representatives and youth advocates to review regional success stories, examine lessons learned and identify read more..

Sunday 25 March 2012

Vascular Disease-Heart Attack-Aspirin

Daily Aspirin - More Benefit Than Risk?

Many people take a low dose of aspirin every day to lower their risk of a further Heart Attack or stroke, or if they have a high risk of either. While the anticipated benefit is a lower chance of Vascular Disease, taking daily aspirin is not without danger: for instance it raises the risk of internal bleeding... read more..

Swimsuit Season-Body

The countdown to swimsuit season is on! Take 15 minutes for your abs and blast b...

The countdown to swimsuit season is on! Take 15 minutes for your abs and blast belly fat with this workout.
The (15-Minute) Belly Blasting Workout | Fitbie
Got a crazy-busy schedule? No worries (and no excuses!). This supercharged workout tones and trims your tummy in a flash read more..

"I often debate whether to accept and love my body as it is or whether it has to...

"I often debate whether to accept and love my Body as it is or whether it has to be thin before I can love and accept it. I decide that today is an occasion for unconditional self acceptance."
Not the Littlest Leprechaun | Fitbie
One woman's journey to losing 100 pounds! read more..

Global Health Care-Hiv Program

A diverse pragmatism defines the GHE Program

“Perhaps one of the more insightful moments of the 2010 Global Health Effectiveness (GHE) Program occurred during a case-based Introduction to Global Health Care Delivery course when Dr. Paul Farmer challenged the class to consider the “cost” of a Hiv Program that has achieved “scale” but allows for over 20% loss-to-follow-up in its patient population [...] read more..

Saturday 24 March 2012

Milton Hershey School-Boarding School-Hershey Candy

By Lori Yeghiayan FriedmanA Hershey-funded boarding school...

By Lori Yeghiayan FriedmanA Hershey-funded boarding school REJECTED an HIV-positive 13-year-old boy for admission, calling his status a “direct threat to the health & safety of others.”The young man is extremely disappointed in the decision and merely wants the opportunity to live his dreams, work hard and go to college.  In an interview with Poz Magazine, he said: “I used to look at Hershey as if I was already one of them. I just knew I would get in because I take pride in everything I do and I keep good grades. I have nothing wrong with me, and everyone that I know, who knows me, likes me.”AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the largest global AIDS organization, is calling for a BOYCOTT of all Hershey candy. We are asking people not to buy any Hershey candy until the company speaks out against AIDS discrimination at the Milton Hershey School and facilitates the boy’s enrollment at the school. Send a message to Hershey that AIDS discrimination is NOT acceptable.Sign the petition at: read more..

Friday 23 March 2012

Robotic Jellyfish-Carbon Nanotubes

Jellyfish inspires latest ocean-powered robot

Researchers have created a robotic jellyfish, named Robojelly, which not only exhibits characteristics ideal to use in underwater search and rescue operations, but could, theoretically at least, never run out of energy thanks to it being fueled by hydrogen. Constructed from a set of smart materials, which have the ability to change shape or size as a result of a stimulus, and carbon nanotubes, Robojelly is able to mimic the natural movements of a jellyfish when placed in a water tank and is powered by chemical reactions taking place on its surface. read more..

Cost Effectiveness-Cancer Prevention-Milbank Quarterly-Health Services-International

The Cost Effectiveness Of US Cancer Prevention Services

Prevention is better than cure; however, when it comes to screening for cancer New Research shows that U.S. Health Services are not as cost-effective as International, and publically run, counterparts. The research, published in The Milbank Quarterly, compares U.S. screening services to screening in the Netherlands and found that while three to four times more screening took place in the United States, the rates of mortality were similar. The research was conducted by Dr. Martin L... read more..

Thursday 22 March 2012

National Breast Cancer Screening-False Positives

Significant Drop In Deaths, Limited Harm And Reasonable Costs Shown By 20-Year Results From Breast Cancer Screening Program

Results from one of the longest-running national Breast Cancer screening programmes have shown that it has contributed to a drop in deaths from the disease, that any harm caused by the screening, such as false positives and over-diagnosis, has been limited, and that the costs have been reasonable. The Dutch population-based mammography breast cancer screening programme began in 1989, and Mr Jacques Fracheboud, a senior researcher at the Erasmus University Medical Center (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), reported on the first 20 years to the eighth European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-8)... read more..

Religious Institutions-Obama Administration-Contraceptives-Moral Concerns-Free Coverage

Obama administration details contraceptives rule fix

(Reuters) - The Obama Administration began laying out its blueprint on Friday for accommodating the Moral Concerns of Religious Institutions that oppose its policy of requiring free coverage for women's Contraceptives through employer-sponsored health plans. The move came a month after the White House tried to calm a furor among Roman Catholic bishops and other social conservatives by announcing it would not require church-run hospitals, universities and charities to foot the bill for birth control coverage but instead shift the burden to insurers. ... read more..

National Breast Cancer Screening Programs

Twenty-year Breast Cancer Screening Program Shows Great Progress

One of the longest-running national Breast Cancer Screening programs has shown that with reasonable costs and few false diagnoses and other drawbacks, overall harm and deaths from the disease has been significantly reduced... read more..


The easiest way to stall your weight loss: Get injured. Prevent pesky injuries w...

The easiest way to stall your weight loss: Get injured. Prevent pesky injuries with these core-strengthening moves!
Core Moves to Prevent Pesky Injuries | Fitbie
These four Pilates-inspired exercises will strengthen your trunk and fend off running injuries next time you hit the road read more..

Public Changing Rooms-Group Exercise-Women

Public Changing Rooms Can Cause Body Anxieties For Women

Sweating in the gym, surrounded by others, pounding to the beat in group exercise class has become the norm for many Women. But when it comes to the experience of changing in the locker room, the acts of disrobing, dressing, showering and being naked in front of others, can be very discomfiting. It's a complex experience as women are faced with an awareness of their bodies different than in any other space. "I walk into the change room and pace anxiously up and down the rows of lockers. I look for an empty aisle, hoping for some semblance of privacy... read more..

Half Marathon Training Schedule-Start Training

Nothing (and we mean NOTHING) motivates you to train hard & eat smart like a rac...

Nothing (and we mean NOTHING) motivates you to train hard & eat smart like a race. Start training for a Half Marathon here!
Half-Marathon Jumpstart: Half Marathon Training Schedule and Running Program | Fitbie
Challenge yourself mentally and physically—sign up for a half-marathon. Start training today with the 2-week Runner's World Half-Marathon Jumpstart program. read more..


Your running shoes should inspire you! Design your dream pair using the Nike Fre...

Your running shoes should inspire you! Design your Dream pair using the Nike Free Run iD app--we did! read more..

Creative Director

SPONSORED: Check out these cool kicks designed our creative director, Paul. (The...

SPONSORED: Check out these cool kicks designed our creative director, Paul. (They're Fitbie themed!) You can create your own dream shoe using the Nike Free Run iD app here:
HootSuite Photos read more..

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Nationwide Children's Hospital-Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy-Newborn Screening-Genetic Disorder

Promising International Model Of Newborn Screening For Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Investigators at Nationwide Children's Hospital, working with the DNA Sequencing Core Facility at the University of Utah, have developed an approach to newborn screening (NBS) for the life-threatening genetic disorder, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and potentially other muscular dystrophies... read more..

Zambia: Cops Impregnated 30 School Girls

[Times of Zambia] INSPECTOR-GENERAL of Police, Stella Libongani, says the command will deal firmly with police officers who allegedly impregnated 30 pupils at Limulunga High School in Western Province in January last year. read more..

Lunch Break-Workouts

Get fit on your lunch break! These 4 easy workouts take 15 minutes or less and a...

Get fit on your lunch break! These 4 easy Workouts take 15 minutes or less and are perfect for the office.
Lunch-Hour Fit | Fitbie
There’s no better way to ward off the afternoon doldrums than going for a lunchtime run. read more..

Maternity Hospital-Maternal Health-Central Africa-Africa Renewal-Kenya

Kenya: Investing in the Health of Africa's Mothers

[Africa Renewal] Not far from Mathare and Korogocho, two of the biggest slums in Nairobi, Kenya's capital, lies the Pumwani Maternity Hospital. Some 27,000 women give birth there each year. Most are poor and young. Yet the government-run hospital, the largest Maternal Health centre in East and Central Africa, lacks resources. Patients have to buy their own syringes, needles, cotton wool and maternity pads. read more..

Estrogen Receptor Positive-Oestrogen Receptor-Academic Journal-Cancer Patients-Anesthesiology

Women With Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer Can Safely Bear Children

New research has shown for the first time that it is safe for Women who have been diagnosed with oestrogen receptor positive Breast Cancer to become pregnant, despite doctors' previous fears that pregnancy could boost levels of oestrogen in the body and cause the Cancer to return... read more..

New Evidence Strengthens Link Between Opioids And Cancer Growth

Opioid drugs used to relieve pain in postoperative and chronic Cancer patients may stimulate the growth and spread of tumors, according to two studies and a commentary in the 2012 annual Journal Symposium issue of Anesthesiology, the academic journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists... read more..

Seasonal Recipes

Happy first day of spring! Click “like” if this is your favorite season and tell...

Happy first day of spring! Click “like” if this is your favorite season and tell us: What do you love about spring?
Green Giant® - Lighten up! Celebrate spring with these seasonal recipes
Today's the official start of spring, and it’s about time to start making use of all the fresh vegetables popping up in local markets. read more..

Disgusting Things-Training Tools-Angry Birds-Human Hair-Poor Pigs

All apps aren't created equal. Leave those poor pigs & angry birds alone and dow...

All apps aren't created equal. Leave those poor pigs & angry birds alone and download one of these 8 training tools!
The 8 Smartest Apps for Fitness | Fitbie
Join the thousands of people who've logged millions of miles running and riding by turning their iPhones and Droids into a virtual training partner with these 8 apps read more..

Bread made w/ dissolved HUMAN HAIR and other truly disgusting things you're eati...

Bread made w/ dissolved HUMAN HAIR and other truly disgusting things you're eating without even knowing it...
The 5 Grossest Things You're Eating | Fitbie
Steer clear of these five foods at your local supermarket that put the gross in groceries. read more..

Yves Saint Laurent-Renowned Designers-Denver Art Museum-Retrospective-Haute Couture

Yves Saint Laurent’s 40-year retrospective unfolds in Denver
Haute Couture Fashion-Jean Paul Gaultier-Atelier Versace-Java Jolt
Yves Saint Laurent’s 40-year retrospective unfolds in Denver

A 40-year survey of fashions by one of France's renowned designers, Yves Saint Laurent: The Retrospective features a selection of 200 examples of his haute couture garments at the Denver Art Museum, March 25 - July 8, the only venue in the US for the exhibition. read more..

Montserrado Representative-Legislative Press Pool-Lawmaker-Liberia

Liberia: LEGISPOL Pays Tribute to Fallen CDC's Lawmaker

[Heritage] The Legislative Press Pool (LEGISPOL) has described the death of Montserrado Representative Moses Tandapolie as one of the biggest ever loss to the Legislature in Liberia's developing democracy. Rep. Tandapolie during the early morning hour of Friday, March 16,2012 in Gbarnga, Bong County Rep, while attending a retreat by the House of Representatives. read more..

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-University Of New Hampshire-Pregnancy Related Illnesses

Gene Scientist Maps Own Type 2 Diabetes Arrival And Departure

In a landmark study for the field of personalized medicine, using "Personal Omics Profiling" a Stanford geneticist and his colleagues, analyzed his genome to predict a genetic disposition to Type 2 Diabetes, tracked at the molecular level how it developed in his body, and then went away again after dietary and lifestyle changes... read more..

Book Sheds New Light On Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder And Its Often Devastating Aftermath

A new book by a University of New Hampshire researcher and Vietnam-era disabled veteran sheds new light on the long-term psychological trauma experienced by the coalition force in recent wars in the Gulf and Balkans that, when left untreated, can have deadly consequences... read more..

Nigeria: 60,000 Women Saved From Pregnancy Related Deaths - SFH

[Daily Trust] Not less than 60,000 Women and their children who would have lost their lives from Pregnancy related illnesses have been saved in Gombe State due to a program initiated by Society for Family Health and her Partners. read more..

Program Administrators-Limited Resources-Health Workers

Managing 2nd Line Anti-TB Drugs: Discuss with Experts, February 20-24

In the fight against multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in high-burden areas, program administrators and health workers with limited resources have to get it right when it comes to managing second line drugs (SLD). They are however confronted with many challenges such as lack of resources and difficulties in procurement and supply management (PSM) of SLD; price [...] read more..

Hiv Positive-HIV Patients-Prevention

Treatment As Prevention: Dream or Nightmare?

In the light of current enthusiasm for 'treatment as Prevention (or 'is' prevention or some other permutation)', it's sobering to read an article from the US entitled 'Only 28% of HIV patients have condition under control'. The idea of treatment as prevention, sometimes referred to as 'test and treat', is that it will be feasible to test about 80% of an entire population, not just once in a while, but regularly, perhaps once a year or more. Upon being found Hiv Positive people will receive immediate treatment, regardless of clinical stage.The US spends over $7,000 per capita according to WHO estimates for 2009; that's over 15% of GDP. Tanzania, in contrast, spends $57 per capita, 4.5% of GDP. So if only 28% of HIV positive people in the US are rendered unlikely to transmit the virus to others through having a low viral load, at least through (safe heterosexual) sex, and about 20% of those infected don't even know they are positive, where does this leave countries like Tanzania?Figures for how many Tanzanians are on antiretrovirals vary a lot and are vague; they don't make it clear what percentage on treatment have the virus under control. Quite a lot of people said to be on treatment are lost to follow-up every year. Many die or move to another area, but this also suggests that numbers on treatment are overestimated as some are registered in more than one place. The majority of HIV positive people in Tanzania are not on treatment and a majority of the population have never been tested for HIV. A large number of people who have never been tested are estimated to be HIV positive.I just don't feel convinced that the money is going to be stumped up to test tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of people every year for the foreseeable and to treat tens of millions for several decades to come. But perhaps I'm just a sceptic (or 'skeptic' if you're in the US).Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) involves putting HIV negative people on antiretroviral drugs (ARV) with the aim of protecting them from HIV infection. read more..

Monday 19 March 2012

American Heart Association-Personal Digital Assistant-Physical Activity Programs

Electronic Device Helps Overweight And Obese Adults Stick To Diet, Exercise Regime

Overweight and obese adults who used an electronic diary program on a personal digital assistant did better at staying on Diet and physical activity programs, researchers reported at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 Scientific Sessions... read more..

T. rex's killer smile revealed

One of the most prominent features of life-size models of Tyrannosaurus rex is its fearsome array of flesh-ripping, bone-crushing teeth. New research shows that the T. rex’s front teeth gripped and pulled, while the teeth along the side of the jaw punctured and tore flesh. read more..

Physicists simulate strongly correlated fermions

Combining known factors in a new way, physicists have solved an intractable 50-year-old problem: How to simulate strongly interacting quantum systems to accurately predict their properties. It could lead to superconductor applications and solving high-energy physics and ultra-cold atoms problems. read more..

International Women-Human Rights-Usaid

Respecting women’s human rights by telling them about all their HIV risks

(A posting for International Women’s Day, 8 March) For many years, WHO, USAID, UNAIDS, and other international and foreign aid organizations have misinformed women in Africa about risks for HIV. Experts inside and outside these organization have challenged bureaucrats to tell women what they need to know to protect themselves. But to no avail. WHO, USAID, [...] read more..

Antiretroviral Drugs-Clinical Trials-Hiv Epidemics-Perspective-HIV

UNAIDS: Everyone in Africa is at Risk of HIV; so PrEP is Useless?

I've found an uncharacteristically sensible article on PrEP, although it's written from a US perspective. It concludes that "Findings from the randomized clinical trials that PrEP is efficacious should mark the beginning of the policy discussion, not its end."The article also demands proof of desirability and even deliverability of PrEP before the strategy is implemented. The authors note that sustained and effective counseling is a must to ensure proper adherence to the drugs and that the level of counseling required, which makes up a major part of clinical trials, is unlikely to be part of a community implementation.Also noted are the lengths that researchers had to go to in order to retain participants in the iPrEx trial, an aspect of such trials that is rarely mentioned when reports of standing ovations at expensive pharmaceutical sponsored conferences come out. The odds during the iPrEx trial seemed to have been stacked against getting a poor result. And yet the result was pretty unimpressive.The article covers a lot of interesting aspects of PrEP that are rarely mentioned among the post trial hype, such as development of resistance to antiretroviral drugs, increased 'unsafe' sexual behavior among some who think PrEP will give them 100% protection and the sheer cost of such a program that provides drugs for uninfected people when there isn't even enough funding for those who are infected.But the article, perhaps being written from a rich country perspective, doesn't mention how spectacularly unsuccessful we have been in identifying 'core transmitters' of HIV in developing countries. In fact, any group that could be considered to be contributing significantly to HIV epidemics in high prevalence African countries is dwarfed by the percentage of infections that are said to come from 'low risk' groups.In short,if PrEP ever proved itself to be feasible in high prevalence African countries, we wouldn't have the faintest idea where to start.[For more about HIV and risk, see my other blog, HIVinKenya]Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) involves putting HIV negative people on antiretroviral drugs (ARV) with the aim of protecting them from HIV infection. read more..

Aids Healthcare Foundation-Magic Johnson Foundation-The Premiere Screening-Downtown Los Angeles

The Magic Johnson Foundation and AIDS Healthcare Foundation...

The Magic Johnson Foundation and Aids Healthcare Foundation co-hosted the premiere screening of Espn Films’ The Announcement this past Tuesday, March 6th. This riveting documentary chronicles the untold story of basketball legend Magic Johnson’s triumphant journey living with HIV. The screening at Downtown Los Angeles’s Regal Cinemas was a star-studded event, with Magic’s friends and supporters on hand to share the moment.AHF President Michael Weinstein praised Magic, calling him a hero and an icon in the fight against AIDS: “We applaud the courage and leadership he continues to show in this battle over the years and thank ESPN Films for both pointing a lens at his remarkable life and for allowing AHF and Magic Johnson Foundation the honor of hosting the premiere of The Announcement.”Don’t miss The Announcement this Sunday, March 11th at 9:00 pm Eastern on ESPN! read more..

The International Space Station-Earth Observation Program-Natural Resources-Catastrophes

Investigation of Earth catastrophes from the International Space Station: Uragan Program

The Uragan program aboard the Russian segment of the International Space Station uses digital photography to study Earth's natural resources by monitoring catastrophes, both natural and human made. Uragan, which means "hurricane" in Russian, began during the first days of habitation on the station and continues to be an important Earth observation program, with the primary goal of defining requirements for a ground-space system for disaster warning and damage mitigation. The program is a logical continuation of the Earth Visual-Instrumental Observations Program (in other words, a crew Earth observation program) started in the Soviet Union/Russia in the early 1970s as part of the Salyut series of space stations and followed by the Mir orbiting complex. read more..

Sunday 18 March 2012

Aids Treatment News Blogi

Changes to AIDS Treatment News blog

I'm planning changes to this blog and would like to hear what you think (either publicly by a comment, or privately by email to current thinking is to move the news stories to the right-hand column (via Twitter, but you do not need to use Twitter to read them). Then the main column of the blog will be for discussion, usually around one or more of the news stories.The previous format was not good for discussion - largely because readers seldom saw blog comments, since they quickly got buried by all the news items coming in. And Twitter encourages many equal voices - important for community discussion and idea development.The new format should result in more news stories, fewer blog posts, more interaction, and more in-depth discussion.Thoughts? read more..

Endemic Diseases-Health Minister-Safe Motherhood-Stabilisation-Infertility

Angola: Pre-Natal Services Improve Health During Pregnancy

[ANGOP] Luanda - The increase in pre-natal services, prevention of diseases, reduction or stabilisation of incidence, prevalence and death caused by endemic diseases, particularly Hiv/Aids, have been considered positive indicators by the Health minister, Jose Van-Dunem, in the improvement of health during Pregnancyread more..

Nigeria: IBB's Daughter to Partner With NA on Safe Motherhood

[Vanguard] Wife of immediate past Governor of Zamfara State, Her Excellency Hajia Aisha Babangida-Shinkafi has called on Nigerians to give specific attention to mothers and women in general because they are much vulnerable to health hazards. read more..

Tanzania: Infertility - Who Is to Blame for the Problem?

[Daily News] The terminology surrounding the subject of Infertility is inexact and therefore confusing. "Infertility" is used to mean a woman's inability to conceive and bear a living child or a man's inability to produce a pregnancy. read more..

Vitamins And Minerals-Green Foods

It's almost St. Paddy's Day! And these green foods aren't just festive--they're...

It's almost St. Paddy's Day! And these green foods aren't just festive--they're packed with healthy nutrients.
17 Green Foods to (Sham)rock Your Diet | Fitbie
These emerald-colored edibles will fill you up with Vitamins And Minerals more valuable than a pot of gold read more..

Friday 16 March 2012

Centers For Disease Control And Prevention-National Advertising Campaign-American Heart Association

CDC To Start Hard Hitting Anti Smoking Ads

From Monday 19th March, a national advertising campaign against Tobacco Smoke is set to launch. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention will run the ads for some 12 weeks or more, covering radio, TV, billboards, theaters and online venues. In what they have dubbed "Tips from Former Smokers", the campaign will feature dramatic real life stories of smokers and the diseases and disabilities they suffered. It also documents the effects it has had on their families and loved ones... read more..

The Influence Of Genes On Obesity Can Be Halved By A Daily Brisk Walk

Watching too much TV can worsen your genetic tendency towards Obesity, but you can cut the effect in half by walking briskly for an hour a day, researchers report at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 Scientific Sessions... read more..

American Heart Association-Physical Activity Program-Exercise Capacity-Epidemiology

Increasing Exercise Capacity By Cooling Hands

Cooling the palms of the hands while working out could help you stick with a physical activity program, according to a small study presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 Scientific Sessions. In the study, Obese Women who exercised while using the AvaCore Rapid Thermal Exchange (RTX palm cooling device) improved their exercise tolerance and cardiovascular fitness. "Obese women often complain about sweating and getting tired because they're walking around with extra insulation," said Stacy T. Sims, Ph.D... read more..

Thursday 15 March 2012

Health And Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius-Texas Women's Health Funds

Government to cut Texas women's health funds over abortion
Health And Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius-Texas Women's Health Funds
Texas Governor Perry stands next to his wife Anita as he announces he is dropping his run for the Republican U.S. presidential nomination during a news conference in Charleston, South Carolina

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The federal government will withdraw funding for a Texas program providing more than 100,000 poor women with birth control and other health services because Planned Parenthood clinics are not allowed to participate, a Health and Human Services spokeswoman said on Friday. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the decision in Houston on Friday, prompting a furious response from Texas Governor Rick Perry, who called it an "egregious federal overreach. ... read more..

Autism Spectrum

A Model Established To Study How The Brain Processes Multisensory Information, A Process That Goes Awry In Autism Spectrum Disorders

The next time you set a trap for that rat running around in your basement, here's something to consider: you are going up against an opponent whose ability to assess the situation and make decisions is statistically just as good as yours... read more..


Rats match humans in decision-making that involves combining different sensory cues

The next time you set a trap for that rat running around in your basement, here's something to consider: you are going up against an opponent whose ability to assess the situation and make decisions is statistically just as good as yours. A new study has found that just like humans, rodents also combine multisensory information and exploit it in a "statistically optimal" way -- or the most efficient and unbiased way possible. read more..

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Harvard School Of Public Health-American Heart Association-Equivalent Diet Drinks

Daily Sugary Drinks Raise Heart Disease Risk In Males

Beverages with sugar added raise a man's risk of developing Heart Disease by 20% if he drinks one per day, while their equivalent "diet" drinks seem not to, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health reported in the journal Circulation. They defined one drink as a 12-ounce portion. Risk factors linked to heart disease include poor diet, obesity, family history of heart disease, regular tobacco smoking, not enough exercise, high alcohol consumption, and diabetes. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the largest cause of death in America... read more..

Cool hands may be the key to increasing exercise capacity

Cooling the palms of the hands while working out could help you stick with a physical activity program, according to a small study. read more..

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill-Environmental Disasters-Mathematical Methods-Horned Dinosaurs

Mathematical methods predicts movement of oil and ash following environmental disasters

For those involved in managing the fallout from environmental disasters like the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, it is essential to have tools that predict how the oil will move, so that they make the best possible use of resources to control the spill. Such tools now appear to be within reach. read more..

Two new species of horned dinosaur named

Two new horned dinosaurs have been named based on fossils collected from Alberta, Canada. The new Species, Unescopceratops koppelhusae and Gryphoceratops morrisoni, are from the Leptoceratopsidae family of horned dinosaurs. The herbivores lived during the Late Cretaceous period between 75 to 83 million years ago. read more..

Population Growth-National Council-Vision 2030

Kenya: Uphold Family Planning, NCPD

[Nairobi Star] KENYA will only achieve its Vision 2030 if the country is going to have a managed Population growth, the National Council for Population and Development has said. According to the council, the current population growth has doubled to 38.6 million people over the last two decades and is estimated to reach 71.5 million by 2030 posing a threat to the country's stability. read more..

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Annals Of Family Medicine-Health Care Environment-Infertility Treatment-Policy Initiatives

News From The Annals Of Family Medicine: March/April 2012

Four articles in the current issue draw attention to policy initiatives and Implications of the rapidly changing U.S. health care environment. Collectively, they examine some of the challenges and opportunities facing the country following the 2010 passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act... read more..

Nigeria: 'IVF Provides 90 Percent Solution to Infertility'

[Daily Trust] Kaduna - A senior gynecologist with the Bridge Clinic in Kaduna, Dr. Ifeju Omojuwa, in this interview said that IVF technology has taken Infertility treatment to a new level in Nigeria, explaining that the ability to fertilize the egg and sperm outside the body alone has overcome problems that women have in fertility. Excerpt:- read more..

Weekend Festivities

Still recovering from weekend festivities? The more people exercise, the more th...

Still recovering from weekend festivities? The more people exercise, the more they drink, according to science. Who knew?
Running on Empty Bottles | Fitbie
Newsflash: The most dedicated exercisers are also some of the biggest drinkers. Learn about the surprising reasons so many women tighten, tone, and then tie one on read more..

Mount Sinai School Of Medicine-Drosophila Melanogaster-Genetic Instructions-Therapeutic Target

Promising New Drug Target For Kidney Disease Identified

Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have identified a Regulator protein that plays a crucial role in kidney fibrosis, a condition that leads to Kidney Failure. Finding this regulator provides a new therapeutic Target for the millions of Americans affected by kidney failure. The research is published in Nature Medicine... read more..

Studying Drosophila Advances Research Into Human Diseases

More than two-thirds of human genes have Counterparts in the well-studied fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, so although it may seem that humans don't have much in common with flies, the correspondence of our genetic instructions is astonishing. In fact, there are hundreds of inherited diseases in humans that have Drosophila counterparts... read more..

Exercise Therapy-Biomed Central-Lumbar Support-Modic Changes

Rest Versus Exercise: Equally Effective On Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain due to Modic changes can be hard to treat and the currently recommended therapy of exercise and staying active often does not help alleviate the pain. Results of a trial, published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Medicine, comparing exercise therapy, and staying active, to daily rest and lumbar support, showed that both treatments resulted in the same small level of improvement in pain, disability, and general health... read more..

Monday 12 March 2012

Infectious Diseases-Causes Of Pneumonia-Physical Activity-Research Design-Sport Fields

Could Sport Fields Be Catalysts For Physical Activity In The Neighborhood

If you're a woman, older adult, or have higher levels of education, you're less likely to be sufficiently physically active. Those are some of the findings of a new University of Alberta study examining people's actual and perceived access to sport fields as catalysts for Physical Activity... read more..

Examining The Causes Of Childhood Pneumonia

The scientific journal Clinical Infectious Diseases has released its March Special Supplement focusing entirely on the research design of and pilot data from the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) Project, which seeks to identify the causes of pneumonia among the world's most vulnerable populations... read more..

Cause Of Birth Defects-Fetal Alcohol Syndrome-Pregnant Women-Daily News-Pregnancy

Tanzania: Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy

[Daily News] Drinking alcohol during Pregnancy is the leading known cause of birth defects. The amount of alcohol required to cause fetal alcohol syndrome (a group of signs and symptoms- commonly known in Kiswahili 'mlimbiko dalili') is unknown, pregnant women are advised to abstain from drinking alcohol altogether. read more..


How To Get Fit With 3 Minutes Of Exercise A Week: BBC Doc Tries 'HIT'

New research revealed on a BBC TV Horizon programme broadcast in February 2012, suggests it is possible to improve some measures of fitness with just 3 minutes of Exercise a week. Medical journalist Dr Michael Mosley, like many people, is not a great fan of exercise for its own sake, and set out to find how little he would need to do to get fit. And he discovered some surprising facts about health benefits of HIT, or High Intensity Training... read more..

Epigenetic Modifications-Cell Metabolism-Dna

Epigenetic Modifications To DNA Caused By Exercise

You might think that the Dna you inherited is one thing that you absolutely can't do anything about, but in one sense you'd be wrong. Researchers reporting in the March issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication, have found that when healthy but inactive men and women exercise for a matter of minutes, it produces a rather immediate change to their DNA. Perhaps even more tantalizing, the study suggests that the caffeine in your morning coffee might also influence muscle in essentially the same way... read more..

Sunday 11 March 2012

Karolinska Institute-Cell Metabolism-Genetic Makeup-Dna Molecules

Exercise Linked To Change In DNA

A recent study, published in Cell Metabolism , and conducted by researchers at the Karolinska Institute, demonstrates that exercise almost immediately alters DNA in healthy inactive men and women. The researchers explain that although the genetic makeup is not altered, DNA molecules change structurally and chemically when a person exercises. An example of this is the DNA gaining more or losing parts of methyl groups that are found on sequences of DNA families... read more..

Death Cab For Cutie-Famous Musician-Inspiration-Pavement

Afternoon Inspiration: Watch how hitting the pavement helped this famous musicia...

Afternoon Inspiration: Watch how hitting the Pavement helped this famous musician lead a healthier life.
I'm a Runner: Ben Gibbard | Fitbie
The lead singer of Death Cab for Cutie began running in 2007 to kick some unhealthy habits read more..

Saturday 10 March 2012

Environmentally Friendly Cleaning-Renewable Resources-Household Cleaners-Everyday Products

Environmentally friendly cleaning and washing

More and more everyday products are based on renewable resources, with household cleaners now containing active cleaning substances made from plant oils and sugar. These fat and dirt removers are especially environmentally friendly and effective when produced using biotechnology, with the aid of fungi and bacteria. read more..

In recognizing faces, the whole is not greater than the sum of its parts

How do we recognize a face? To date, most Research has answered "holistically": we look at all the features -- eyes, nose, mouth -- simultaneously and, perceiving the relationships among them, gain an advantage over taking in each feature individually. read more..

Calories Per Day-Sugary Drinks-Yikes

Yikes! Did you know the average adult slurps almost as many calories per day as...

Yikes! Did you know the average adult slurps almost as many calories per day as the weekly recommendation? Don’t let this sugar-overload wreck your health, and watch out for these top offenders.
5 Super Sugary Drinks to Avoid | Fitbie
Check out which surprisingly calorie- loaded liquids have been flying under your radar read more..

Local Government Area-Bauchi State

Nigeria: Bauchi Limbless Baby Grapples for Survival

[Leadership] Although the Bauchi baby girl, Fatima Didda, born without limbs and who came into this world on 13th of January this year at Dunomari ward in Sakwa Village of Zaki Local Government Area of Bauchi state is still alive. However, investigation has revealed that the baby is encountering more hardship in its bid for survival. read more..

Hiv Prevention Trials Network-Immune Response-Viral Evolution-Incidence Rate-Hiv Incidence

HIV Rates For Black Women In Parts Of The US Much Higher Than Previously Estimated

Study results released indicate that the HIV incidence rate for US women living in areas hardest hit by the epidemic is much higher than the overall estimated incidence rate in the US for black adolescent and adult women. The HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) announced results from its HPTN 064 Women's HIV Seroincidence Study (ISIS) which found an HIV incidence of 0.24% in the study cohort of 2,099 women (88% black), a rate that is five fold higher than that estimated for black women overall by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)... read more..

Study Uses Advanced Gene-Sequencing Technologies To Track Viral Evolution Of HIV

Mutations in HIV that develop during the first few weeks of infection may play a critical role in undermining a successful early Immune Response, a finding that reveals the importance of vaccines targeting regions of the virus that are less likely to mutate... read more..

Sweet Potato Skins-Pinterest-Chickpeas-Veggies-Soups

Our favorite thing on Pinterest today: Get your veggies in with these healthy sw...

Our favorite thing on Pinterest today: Get your Veggies in with these healthy sweet potato skins filled with spinach, Chickpeas, and cheese! Yum!
Healthy Sweet Potato Skins by pinchofyum: Filled with spinach, chickpeas, and cheese. #Sweet_Potato_Skins #pinchofyum read more..

Healthier soups on the horizon! Campbell’s announced that its packaging is going...

Healthier Soups on the horizon! Campbell’s announced that its packaging is going BPA-free, and will soon begin eliminating the chemical from its can linings. Try one of these smart soups!
10 Soups That Help You Slim Down | Fitbie
These are can-dos for any diet read more..


Inov-8 f-lite 195 New Color Craziness and CrossFit

If you've considered Inov-8's f-lite, Road-X, or Bare-X series running shoes for any reason over the past few months, you've undoubtedly seen the term CrossFit associated with them. In most cases, they're described as ideal CrossFit shoes, or something like that. This is because the CrossFit philosophy(?) emphasizes efficiency in a rigorous workout. And, low-profile shoes, like the three Inov-8 product lines mentioned already, facilitate this efficient motion.When I bought my first pair of Inov-8 f-lite 230s over a year ago, they were not synonymous with CrossFit footwear. They were running shoes, trail running shoes to be precise. But, their versatility on a variety of surfaces generated appeal outside the trail running community. And, people with a penchant for trendy exercise programs naturally gravitated toward a fashionable, minimally-styled shoe.For those who don't know, CrossFit refers to a sort of gym-dependent exercise program. However, practitioners may do it outside of a gym, too. It's a modern program. You can tell because of the capital "F" in the middle of a word that has no business being compounded. And, rather than state a bunch of (probably) incorrect assumptions about the program, I'll just let you form your own notion of CrossFit based on this video:Needless to say, I do not CrossFit. Wait, I mean I am not a CrossFitter. Or, I don't do CrossFit? Anyway, I've loathed the gym for as long as I can remember. Weights annoy me. People grunting and sweating profusely on the same bench I'm about to use make me wish I was doing something else. The monotony sucks. The lighting sucks. The music sucks. And, the smell sucks. So, I run—outside.So, why am I writing about CrossFit? Well, you know how sometimes you find something that you like a whole lot? Let's say, for instance, you've discovered a band called Pold Clay. You hear one of their songs from their first album, which is only a month old. And, the song is awesome. It's fresh. It's meaningful. It's everything you need a song to be for you at this moment. So, you buy Pold Clay's debut album and listen to it nonstop for weeks in your car, while you're cooking dinner, while you're eating dinner, etc. You learn all the songs by heart and never seem to grow tired of hearing this band's music.Then, one day, you're at some large retail establishment with a subscription-service radio station playing current hits over the store speaker system. And, you hear your song, the song Pold Clay used to speak directly to you! Then you hear it again while you're having coffee at Starbucks! Then you hear it at the gym! (And, you don't even go to the gym!) Suddenly, Pold Clay's music is everywhere, and everyone likes to talk about how cool the songs are. Other people are all, "Ooh, have you heard 'Burgundy' by Pold Clay? It's awesome! I just love the singer!" These people don't get Pold Clay like you do; they don't appreciate the nuances that make Pold Clay's music special. But, these people are cooler and more popular than you, maybe even better looking. So, their "appreciation" of Pold Clay's music garners more attention for the band, which is somewhat bittersweet for you. After all, you like Pold Clay. You want the band to succeed. That's the point of producing something for public consumption, right? But, now, when you listen to Pold Clay's music, you know that people around you assume you're just jumping on the Pold Clay bandwagon. They don't know your history with Pold Clay, that you were a fan from the beginning.Eventually, Pold Clay releases another album, and it's nowhere near as good (for you) as their first album was. It's lame and overproduced. And, the lead singer doesn't seem capable of the range he had in his earlier songs. Sure, the second album debuts in the top 10 on various best-seller charts. There are at least two well-written, catchy songs that are worthy of being played over and over again in large retail establishments. But, the charm is gone. This album is de read more..

Friday 9 March 2012

Dragonfly Species-Climate Change

Standing still in running water: Lotic dragon and damselfly species less able to adapt to climate change

A new study throws light on the capability of individual dragonfly species to track Climate Change. The authors show that dragonfly species which breed in pools and ponds are better able to cope with climate change than species whose habitats are streams and rivers. The results are based on a comparison of the projected and observed distributions of European dragonfly species in 2006 and 1988. read more..

New Balance Minimus-Road Shoes

NB Minimus Zero Trail and Road: Shoes for the Outspoken Minimal Runner

The latest New Balance Minimus Zero Trail and Road shoes news comes to us from an article on the NB website. (Thanks to Donald of Running and Rambling for bringing this one to our attention) Senior Designers Drew Nyssen and Chris Wawrousek describe the inspiration and motivation for the design of these forthcoming NB Minimus Zero offerings."These are shoes designed for the most vocal, outspoken group of minimal runners," Chris says, "They’re not afraid to let people notice their shoes."It's redundant for me to continue repeating here what you could easily read via the links in the first paragraph. But, I'll mention a couple of points. What's the Internet without a little redundancy, anyway?The uppers of these new versions of the Minimus appear to be much more flexible and less confining than the 2011 renditions.This is good, because you might have read here that my primary complaint about the toe box on the NB MT10 is that; although wide and spacious, the curvature of the toe area is somewhat rigid. And, since it doesn't exactly fit the shape of my foot, my little toe still feels squished. Thus, I prefer the enormously flexible upper of a somewhat less spacious Inov-8 f-lite 230 over the MT10. Also, these NB Minimus Zeros seem more race-appropriate, at least to me. They definitely have a sleeker appearance in comparison to the MT10 or MT20. And, I like that the designers sought to enhance the slipper-like fit while looking to traditional racing flat architecture for a lightweight shoe. I've mentioned before that I don't feel as fast in my MT10s as I do in other shoes. So, I've never felt compelled to race in the Minimus Trails.But, perhaps those drawbacks of the 2011 Minimus will change with the February/March 2012 release of the NB Minimus Zero Trail and Road line. I'll be anxious to find out for myself. read more..

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory-Independent Experiments-Tevatron Accelerator

Elusive Higgs boson may nearly be cornered

New Measurements announced by scientists from the CDF and DZero collaborations at the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory indicate that the elusive Higgs boson may nearly be cornered. After analyzing the full data set from the Tevatron accelerator, which completed its last run in September 2011, the two independent experiments see hints of a Higgs boson. read more..

Thursday 8 March 2012

Washington University School Of Medicine-Children With Autism-Motor Skills

Motor Skills Affected By Autism

Often, children with autism have difficulties developing motor skills, such as throwing a ball, learning how to write, or running. However, a study published in the journal Autism, suggests that autism itself, not genetics, may be to blame. The research was conducted at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Claudia List Hilton, Ph.D... read more..

Weight Loss Supplements-Oregon State University-Body Of Evidence

Study Finds Most Weight Loss Supplements Are Not Effective

An Oregon State University researcher has reviewed the body of evidence around Weight Loss supplements and has bad news for those trying to find a magic pill to lose weight and keep it off - it doesn't exist. Melinda Manore reviewed the evidence surrounding hundreds of weight loss supplements, a $2.4 billion industry in the United States, and said no research evidence exists that any single product results in significant weight loss - and many have detrimental health benefits. The study is online in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism... read more..

County Durham-Health Issues-Pilot Stage

BMA Urges Government To Extend April 2013 Deadline For Rollout Of NHS 111

The NHS 111 is a 24 hour helpline designated for 'urgent but not life-threatening' Health Issues, and is currently in a pilot stage in County Durham & Darlington, Luton and the East Midlands, i.e. Nottingham and Lincolnshire in the UK. It is supposed to be rolled out nationally by April 2013, when the number will replace NHS Direct. Contract tenders and procuring providers to run the service for other regions are currently underway... read more..