Tuesday 15 May 2012

First United Methodist Church-Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy-Respiratory Failure-Human Perspective

Liberia: Mothers Cautioned

[New Dawn] First United Methodist Church or FUMC Senior Pastor Erlene Perry-Thompson says by bearing children do not simply make one a mother. Rev. Thompson made the remark Sunday on Ashmum Street when Mrs. Medina Agnes Wesseh was honored as First UMC's Mother of the Year 2012/2013. read more..

Animal disease research misses the human perspective, say researchers

Animal disease research concentrates too much on the behavior of micro organisms while ignoring the role played by human beings; we need to take more account of the human dimension if the work of scientists is to be translated effectively into policy, according to experts. read more..

Scientists discover clues to muscle stem cell functions

Scientists have identified how skeletal muscle Stem Cells respond to muscle injury and may be stimulated to improve muscle repair in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a severe inherited disease of muscle that causes weakness, disability and, ultimately, heart and respiratory failure. read more..

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