Sunday 20 May 2012

Aortic Valve Replacement-Human Genetic Variation-Genetic Variants-Molecular Clock

Sutureless aortic valve replacement a North American first

A surgical milestone was reached on May 1st with a sutureless aortic valve replacement through a thoracic incision just 5 centimeters long. The two patients in their seventies who underwent this innovative procedure were doing well only one week after their operations. read more..

Hitting snooze on the molecular clock: Rabies evolves slower in hibernating bats

The rate at which the rabies virus evolves in Bats may depend heavily upon the ecological traits of its hosts, according to new research. Rabies viruses in tropical and sub-tropical bat species evolved nearly four times faster than viral variants in bats in temperate regions. read more..

'Rare' genetic variants are surprisingly common, life scientists report

A large survey of human genetic variation shows that rare genetic variants are not so rare after all, and offers insights into human diseases. A team of scientists studied 202 genes in 14,002 people -- one of the largest ever in a sequencing study in humans. read more..

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