Friday 25 May 2012

Causes Of Maternal Mortality-Health Ministry-Women Health-Fine Details

Angola: Health Ministry to Run Seminar On Maternal Mortality

[Angop] Luanda - A workshop on the main causes of Maternal Mortality in the country, particularly in Luanda, will be held on May 28 here, as part of the celebrations of the International Day of Action for Women Health (May 28), ANGOP learned Monday. read more..

Discarded data may hold the key to a sharper view of molecules

There's nothing like a new pair of eyeglasses to bring fine details into sharp relief. For scientists who study the large Molecules of life from proteins to DNA, the equivalent of new lenses have come in the form of an advanced method for analyzing data from X-ray crystallography experiments. read more..

The World Health Organization-Outbreak Investigations-Health Care-HIV

Outbreak investigations: Facing and fixing problems

If a hospital or clinic infects you or your child with HIV, you’d probably call it a disaster. Health care bureaucrats and managers call it an “adverse event.”  How often do patients get HIV from health care in Africa? The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated it happens 50,000-100,000 times each year.  Other estimates are higher. That’s [...] read more..

Sunday 20 May 2012

Aortic Valve Replacement-Human Genetic Variation-Genetic Variants-Molecular Clock

Sutureless aortic valve replacement a North American first

A surgical milestone was reached on May 1st with a sutureless aortic valve replacement through a thoracic incision just 5 centimeters long. The two patients in their seventies who underwent this innovative procedure were doing well only one week after their operations. read more..

Hitting snooze on the molecular clock: Rabies evolves slower in hibernating bats

The rate at which the rabies virus evolves in Bats may depend heavily upon the ecological traits of its hosts, according to new research. Rabies viruses in tropical and sub-tropical bat species evolved nearly four times faster than viral variants in bats in temperate regions. read more..

'Rare' genetic variants are surprisingly common, life scientists report

A large survey of human genetic variation shows that rare genetic variants are not so rare after all, and offers insights into human diseases. A team of scientists studied 202 genes in 14,002 people -- one of the largest ever in a sequencing study in humans. read more..

Unsafe Injections-North America

Lessons from North American outbreaks – changing needles alone is not enough

[go to first injections page] [Note: Stephen F. Minkin ( submitted the following as a guest blog. Unsafe injections are a problem in North America as well, but not nearly as much as in Africa and Asia. When unexplained infections come to light, and when these can be traced to suspected clinics, state or national governments in North [...] read more..

Saturday 19 May 2012

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis-African Countries-Hiv Negative-HIV

Experts Unambiguously Opposed to Saying the Wrong Thing

Apologies for the lack of posting this year but I have had enough work keeping my other blog going. The subject of PrEP and related issues do also crop up there, though.
Daily use of Truvada has been backed for pre-exposure prophylaxis use by a panel of 'experts', which generally refers to people who are so well paid to say the right thing that no one else will disagree with them. It's likely that this use of the drug will soon be approved by the FDA. I wasn't able to find a register of the 'experts'' interests but I'm sure it would make interesting reading.
If approved, the drug will be prescribed for HIV negative people who are thought to be at high risk of being infected sexually, which generally refers to men who have sex with men in Western countries. The drug is not being considered for use by intravenous drug users. It is also unlikely to be of much value for commercial sex workers in wealthy countries as they are rarely infected unless they are also intravenous drug users or face other serious risks.
This suggests that PrEP is unlikely to be effective in high HIV prevalence developing countries, where high risk groups are not easy to identify. In many African countries, the bulk of infections among adults occur in married people and those in long term relationships, who don't face very high sexual risks. In other words, the drug is of little use as PrEP where it is most needed. But I'm sure that won't stop Big Pharma from lobbying the right people so that the potential tens or hundreds of millions of Africans can be exploited.
The process of palming off useless but extremely expensive drugs with potentially dangerous side-effects on Africans has been eased by years of publicity for the dominant HIV transmission paradigm, which says that almost all HIV in African countries is transmitted through heterosexual behavior. The fact that the paradigm is seriously challenged by empirical data has done little to influence policy, which concentrates on the politician, religious leader and media friendly process of wagging fingers, pointing fingers and poking fingers into the many HIV fuding pies.
Opposition from groups who claim to represent the interests of HIV positive people has almost all been taken care of in the time honored fashion of paying off anyone who speaks out of turn (or rubbishing anyone who won't take payment). A rare voice of dissent comes from the Aids Healthcare Foundation, which has consistently opposed the current trend of rushing into practices which have little empirical backing, but which mysteriously receive full backing from 'experts'.
Pharmaceutical front group Aids Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC), predictably, blow the trumpet for PrEP; pharmaceutical products ostensibly produced to treat illness would never have become as profitable if they were only used by sick people. But the UK's Nick Partridge puts his finger on the problem, probably inadvertently: "But we need to know if people at highest risk of infection are prepared to take a pill every day and whether there would be an increase in risk-taking behaviour which could outweigh the prevention effectiveness of Truvada."
The truth is, we don't know who is at highest risk in high prevalence countries, we know that most will not take the pill every day and it's very likely there will be an increase in risk-taking behavior, especially where people opt for PrEP because they know (or even think) they are at risk.
[For more about non-sexual HIV transmission and male circumcision, see the Don't Get Stuck With HIV site.]Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) involves putting HIV negative people on antiretroviral drugs (ARV) with the aim of protecting them from HIV infection. read more..

Tuesday 15 May 2012

First United Methodist Church-Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy-Respiratory Failure-Human Perspective

Liberia: Mothers Cautioned

[New Dawn] First United Methodist Church or FUMC Senior Pastor Erlene Perry-Thompson says by bearing children do not simply make one a mother. Rev. Thompson made the remark Sunday on Ashmum Street when Mrs. Medina Agnes Wesseh was honored as First UMC's Mother of the Year 2012/2013. read more..

Animal disease research misses the human perspective, say researchers

Animal disease research concentrates too much on the behavior of micro organisms while ignoring the role played by human beings; we need to take more account of the human dimension if the work of scientists is to be translated effectively into policy, according to experts. read more..

Scientists discover clues to muscle stem cell functions

Scientists have identified how skeletal muscle Stem Cells respond to muscle injury and may be stimulated to improve muscle repair in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a severe inherited disease of muscle that causes weakness, disability and, ultimately, heart and respiratory failure. read more..

Ginger Sauce-Soba Noodles-Sesame

Here's a recipe worthy of a "Ho! Ho! Ho!": Soba noodles in a sesame ginger sauce...

Here's a recipe worthy of a "Ho! Ho! Ho!": Soba noodles in a Sesame ginger sauce with steamed vegetables.
Soba Noodles in a Sesame Ginger Sauce With Steamed Vegetables
Chef Cate Bruce-Low, a.k.a. Tribeca Yummy Mummy, demonstrated how to make an easy soba noodle dish with sesame ginger sauce and steamed vegetables. read more..

Erratic Meal-Meal Timings-Acidic Foods-Lifestyles-Fast Foods


Nowadays, most people just gulp fast foods particularly processed and bottled foods and eat at irregular intervals triggering the incidence of acidity. While acidity itself may appear innocuous, it can trigger more serious conditions like oesophageal and gastric cancers. Surprisingly, very acidic foods such as vinegar and lemons actually reduce acidity while milk, contrary to popular thinking stimulates acid secretion. Next time, though don't bite off more than you digest !!
- Eat food low in fats - Have small but frequent meals - Eat cooked vegetables and sprouts
WHAT TO AVOID: - High fat meats - Dairy products - Caffeine - Chocolates and carbonated beverages - Fried foods and smoking read more..

Friday 11 May 2012

Gym Mistake

The #1 gym mistake you're making? You're not warming up. (That's how you get inj...

The #1 gym mistake you're making? You're not warming up. (That's how you get injured!)
Your Top 4 Gym Mistakes | Fitbie
Stay injury-free by avoiding these common exercise errors read more..

Just In Time For Summer-Lower Body Workout

Get your SEXY back (just in time for summer) with this lower body workout!

Get your SEXY back (Just In Time For Summer) with this Lower Body Workout!
Get Lean Legs and a Tight Tush | Fitbie
This workout will have you sporting a tighter lower body in no time. Learn how to perform these moves and hundreds more with the Exercise and Workout Finder. read more..

Minute Workout-Road Warrior-Gym Junkie-Dumbbells-Ditch

Whether you're a gym junkie or a road warrior, high-arched or flat-footed, you n...

Whether you're a Gym Junkie or a Road Warrior, high-arched or flat-footed, you need the right shoe to get your best body. Find yours here!
The Best Shoes for Your Workout | Fitbie
With so many options on the shelves, selecting the right shoes can feel like a workout itself. Find your exercise category and foot type, then let our expert-vetted guide simplify your search read more..

Lift more weight, lose more fat! Ditch the 5-pounders for heavier dumbbells and...

Lift more weight, lose more fat! Ditch the 5-pounders for heavier Dumbbells and transform your body with this workout.
15 Minute Workout: Lift More, Lose More | Fitbie
Build lean muscle and burn extra fat with this strength-training strategy. Learn how to perform this workout and hundreds more with the Exercise and Workout Finder. read more..

Monday 7 May 2012

British Veterinary Association-Slaughter Of Animals-Space Transportation-Crew Transportation

Researchers Use Online Crowd-Sourcing To Diagnose Malaria

Online crowd-sourcing - in which a task is presented to the public, who respond, for free, with various solutions and suggestions - has been used to evaluate potential consumer products, develop software algorithms and solve vexing research-and-development challenges... read more..

Slaughtering animals without prior stunning should be curbed, if not banned, professor urges

The slaughter of animals for commercial meat supply without stunning them first should at the very least be curbed, if not banned, concludes a former president of the British Veterinary Association in an opinion piece in this week's Veterinary Record. read more..

NASA's commercial crew partner boeing completes parachute test

The Boeing Company successfully completed the second parachute drop test for its Crew Space Transportation (CST) spacecraft May 2, 2012, part of its effort to develop commercial crew transportation capabilities that could ferry U.S. astronauts to and from low-Earth orbit (LEO) and the International Space Station. read more..

Sunday 6 May 2012

Vector Electric Field Instrument-Electromagnetic Waves-Solar System-Signature-Earth

Lightning signature could help reveal the solar system's origins

Every second, lightning flashes some 50 times on Earth. Together these discharges coalesce and get stronger, creating electromagnetic waves circling around Earth, to create a beating pulse between the ground and the lower ionosphere, about 60 miles up in the atmosphere. This electromagnetic signature, known as Schumann Resonance, had only been observed from Earth's surface until, in 2011, scientists discovered they could also detect it using NASA's Vector Electric Field Instrument (VEFI) aboard the U.S. Air Force's Communications/Navigation Outage Forecast System (C/NOFS) satellite. In a new paper, researchers describe how this new technique could be used to study other planets in the solar system as well, and even shed light on how the solar system formed. read more..