Saturday 25 February 2012

Billboard Advertising-Durban, South Africa-Genome Analysis-Photosynthesis

Photo of the Day: This AHF billboard advertising free HIV...

Photo of the Day: This AHF billboard advertising free HIV testing, treatment and condoms has gone up in several locations around Durban, South Africa recently - just in time for International Condom Day, February 13th. Please re-blog if you love this real-life couple’s attitude as much as we do! read more..

Origin of photosynthesis revealed: Genome analysis of 'living fossil' sheds light on the evolution of plants

Evolutionary biologists have shed light on the early events leading to photosynthesis, the result of the sequencing of 70 million base pair nuclear genome of the one-celled alga Cyanophora. They consider this study the final piece of the puzzle to understand the origin of photosynthesis in eukaryotes. read more..

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