Wednesday 5 September 2012

Cognitive Sciences-Theory Of Mind-Neural Network-Understanding

Irony seen through the eye of MRI

In the cognitive sciences, the capacity to interpret the intentions of others is called “Theory of Mind” (ToM). This faculty is involved in the understanding of language, in particular by bridging the gap between the meaning of the words that make up a statement and the meaning of the statement as a whole. In recent years, researchers have identified the neural network dedicated to ToM, but no one had yet demonstrated that this set of neurons is specifically activated by the process of understanding of an utterance. This has now been accomplished: researchers have shown that the activation of the ToM neural network increases when an individual is reacting to ironic statements. The findings represent an important breakthrough in the study of Theory of Mind and linguistics, shedding light on the mechanisms involved in interpersonal communication. read more..

Thursday 23 August 2012

Neutralizing Antibodies-Protective Immunity-HIV

HIV Protection Without Circulating Blood Antibodies

Biomed Middle East: "New research shows that protective immunity against HIV can be achieved without the presence of virus neutralizing antibodies in the blood. The study, published by Cell Press in the February issue of the journal Immunity, demonstrates that a vaccine which stimulates production of specific anti-HIV antibodies in the vaginal tissue was sufficient to protect monkeys from exposure to live virus. The results may also help to explain why a few individuals who lack anti-HIV antibodies in the blood are able to resist infection, even when they are repeatedly exposed to HIV. ..."We may have been able to recapitulate in a vaccine what a few individuals do naturally." read more..

Saturday 11 August 2012

Working Mothers Breastfeed-Ghanaian Chronicle-Post Natal Stress-Maternity Leave

Ghana: Post Natal Stress in Tamale

[Ghanaian Chronicle]Tamale -The Chronicle has learned that several female workers in both the public and private sectors in the Tamale Metropolis often lose their jobs after going on maternity leave, following their inability to manage their work and the children at the same time. read more..

Uganda: Can Working Mothers Breastfeed Exclusively?

[New Vision]Breastfeeding, especially when done exclusively for the first six months, helps babies develop immunity against many diseases. Unfortunately, work prevents many mothers from exclusively breastfeeding their babies, writes Agnes Kyotalengerire read more..

Weight Loss Success Stories-Weight Loss Success Story-Motivation To Lose Weight

Do you love a good weight loss success story as much as we do? Check out the bef...

Do you love a good Weight Loss Success story as much as we do? Check out the before and after pics of these big losers:
Before & After: Weight Loss Success Stories | Fitbie
Need inspiration and motivation to lose weight? Read weight loss success stories with before and after pictures from Fitbie read more..

Thursday 9 August 2012

Randomized Controlled Trial-Drug Manufacturers-Sexual Behavior-Drug Trials

PrEP is Win-Win for Big Pharma, Lose-Lose for Ordinary People

When a PrEP trial produces poor results, the reaction is often to point the finger at the patient: they didn't take the drugs regularly, 'adherence' was low, etc. The irony of this is that people thought of as good candidates for PrEP are often those who have not successfully modified their Sexual Behavior, or have shown themselves unwilling to do so. If they will not or can not modify their sexual behavior, why would they be more willing or able to modify their drug taking behavior?
Some drug trial reports parcel up the high achievers and exclude the low and medium achievers and call it a 'sub-study' or something similar. But the point of a randomized controlled trial is to make it clear what kind of result can be expected of people taking part, not what kind of result can be expected if everyone behaved as drug manufacturers would wish them to. Given that people don't behave in real life as they do during drug trials, the results for strategies such as PrEP so far have been somewhat encouraging, but not good enough to roll out the strategy.
Even with PrEP, people are encouraged to engage in safe sex, to limit their number of partners, to use condoms, etc. If they can't or won't do some or all of those things, PrEP will not be very effective; but it may not have any positive impact at all. Those behind the trials and those producing the drugs are anxious to portray the strategy as tested and proven, but it is most definitely not, not yet anyhow. One of the main exponents of the strategy tries to persuade us that PrEP is the way to go, but some of his readers are clearly not convinced. And the opposing case raises additional concerns about PrEP, referring to the strategy as 'grasping at straws'.
In countries where HIV prevalence is very high and transmission is highest among low (sexual) risk groups, those engaging in heterosexual sex with one HIV negative partner, PrEP is not going to be feasible. Those who face the lowest risk, but are paradoxically the highest risk group in Modes of Transmission Surveys, are unlikely to be targeted by a PrEP campaign.
And given that the majority of HIV positive people in need of treatment are still not receiving it due to cost, infrastructure, political and other reasons, it would be odd to offer the same drugs to people who are still HIV negative. It would seem far better to establish what exactly the risks are and address those risks before throwing yet more drugs at the problem. But PrEP is the way to go if you want to sell lots of drugs to healthy people; if that doesn't work, you'll then have lots of sick people to sell even more drugs to.Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) involves putting HIV negative people on antiretroviral drugs (ARV) with the aim of protecting them from HIV infection. read more..

Wednesday 8 August 2012

High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment-Morphological Transformations-Integrative Research Program

Shedding new light on how jaws evolve

If you're looking for information on the evolution and function of jaws, a new integrative research program has some answers. Scientists are investigating major adaptive and morphological transformations in the mammalian musculoskeletal system during development and across higher-level groups. read more..

Orbiter images NASA's latest additions to Martian landscape

Late Monday night, an image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera aboard Nasa's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured the Curiosity rover and the components that helped it survive its seven-minute ordeal from space to its present location in Mars' Gale Crater. read more..

Planting the seeds of defense: Stress triggers widespread epigenetic changes that aid in disease resistance

It was long thought that methylation, a crucial part of normal organism development, was a static modification of DNA that could not be altered by environmental conditions. New findings, however, suggest that the DNA of organisms exposed to Stress undergo changes in DNA methylation patterns that alter how genes are regulated. read more..

Canadian Medical Association Journal-University Of British Columbia-Learning Disability

Against The Odds: Overcoming A Learning Disability Will Make A Physician-In-Training A Better Doctor

Overcoming a learning disability to become a Physician will actually help in being compassionate toward patients, writes a Medical Student of his struggle with a severe reading disability in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Daniel Heffner, a medical student at the University Of British Columbia who will graduate in 2013, has struggled with a severe reading disability that caused laborious reading and poor marks in school until he was diagnosed at age 12. His diagnosis allowed him to realize he could succeed, and he applied himself to overcoming his disability... read more..

Friday 20 July 2012

Transmission Of Hiv-Male Circumcision-HIV

Get Circumcised or Get Labeled

My first big shock when I started to follow HIV related issues in East Africa was that it was assumed almost all Transmission was sexual in Africa (though nowhere else). Then, to 'work out' how this could possibly generate such massive epidemics, there was also the tendency to go from the number infected, or said to be infected, to the absurdly high levels of unsafe sexual behavior that would be needed to explain high levels of heterosexual transmission of HIV. There has never been any evidence that unsafe heterosexual sex alone could explain Africa's worst HIV epidemics. But all the 'work' to prevent infection appeared to concentrate on sexual transmission.
If not all HIV is transmitted sexually, many interventions that target sexual behavior, whether levels are real or assumed, will fail. Abstinence and other associated campaigns didn't even sound plausible before they were implemented, but enormous amounts of money was ploughed into them. Some equally dubious interventions were dreamed up and most probably also had little positive effect; as for any negative effects, these are unlikely to have been measured, let alone alluded to in the copious self-congratulatory literature that has emerged from what became the extremely lucrative HIV industry.
When circumcision was mooted as a possible intervention, it seemed to suffer from the above problem; it would, at best, protect against heterosexual transmission; it would not protect men who have sex with men, infants who are infected by their mothers or intravenous drug users. Indeed, it turned out that it wouldn't protect women either, and probably increases transmission from men to women. It will not reduce non-sexual transmission of any kind, including that through unsafe healthcare or cosmetic practices. Worse, in the sub-standard health facilities that ordinary Africans are forced to use, mass male circumcision programs might add to the problem, with men being infected in the health facility where the operation is carried out.
But those receiving circumcision related funding continue to insist on the effectiveness of such programs, shouting down any opposition, churning out figures which could be interpreted to show that male circumcision reduce transmission from women to men, but never actually engaging with the opposition. There are now so many problems with male circumcision as a strategy that the whole exercise to circumcise between 22 and 38 million African men should be suspended. There is so much disinformation and consequent misunderstanding that the campaign is unlikely to do any good and is in serious danger of doing a lot of harm. At best, it is just another neo-colonial excess of the kind that probably ensured that HIV would become the pandemic that it now is.
Kenya's Nairobi Star is currently doing a great job adding to the obfuscation that seems to pass for scientific journalism. The article 'Study Claiming Cut Does Not Inhibit HIV Rejected' makes a shaky start by incorrectly suggesting the study was not published or that its findings were refuted, or were even addressed by those promoting circumcision. The cited claims from the study are, in fact, correct, but they are only the tip of the iceberg. Interviewing those who would have a lot to lose if the circumcision program was suspended and asking their opinion is easy enough. But is it adequate journalism? Does the public really need more of the selective use of factoids to justify spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a campaign that is likely to be of so little benefit (at best)?
Other countries have less to say about the latest paper, one of several that has managed to get through the HIV industry's censorship process (peer review). Uganda's press has commented on circumcision from time to time, but only to beat the orthodox drum. It is claimed that 600,000 men have already been circumcised under the program since 2009, but it is unclear where this figure comes from. Natu read more..

Saturday 14 July 2012

The Falls Lake Mountains-Falls Lake Trail Section-Bayleaf Church-Trail Reviews

Trail Review: Falls Lake - Section 4

Falls Lake Trail: Section 4 (Possum Track Rd. to Bayleaf Church Rd.)

Trail Location:
Falls Lake State Recreation Area | Wake Forest, NC Trail Distance:
5.6 miles (out & back) Trail Difficulty:
Easy to Moderate Awesome interactive map
See the Falls Lake Recreation Area map page Introduction This review of Falls Lake Trail Section 4 is my second installment in the Falls Lake Mountains to Sea Trail review series. Have a look at this page to see other trail reviews on this site. At the time of this post, Section Four currently serves as the starting point for the marvelous Mountains to Sea Trail 12-Mile Challenge, which you should run if you haven't done so already. Running the Trail As you cross over the threshold from pavement to trail at the Bayleaf Church Rd. trail head, Section Four starts you off with a moderate incline, the kind with erosion barriers. So, the trail is a tad on the wide side here, as far as single-track trails go. But, don't worry, it gets narrow fairly quickly. Over the hill and leveling out, you'll navigate a slightly (slightly) root-ridden portion of the trail through the typical tall trees surrounding Falls Lake. It's nice here and suitable for warming up. As you descend a bit and run along a small stream, you'll notice that it's time to cross that stream and follow the trail up a rather steep hill with some conspicuous technical features challenging your footing. The trail becomes more technical for a little while after this. You'll eventually cross a clearing that looks like it once served as a service road. (Maybe it still does). And, before you know it, you're running under some very light tree cover. The trail is very easy at this point. The sparse tree cover and low-level vegetation gradually becomes overtaken by some uniformly sized and aligned young pine trees. It'll be sort of like running through a tunnel of small pines, which is pleasant if you're not the first person out there cutting through the spiderwebs with your face. (Not an issue in the winter)
More technical trail running awaits as the young pines seem to evolve into old pines with every step you take. Pay attention, because a particularly low level area of the trail becomes somewhat difficult to find as it weaves through what's probably a mini overflow area for another one of the creeks. (Sorry. I should have provided a picture of this critical juncture in the Section Four trail).
The dense forest will give way to another strangely clear, albeit heavily overgrown area of easy footing. And, you'll suddenly arrive at the Possum Track Rd. guard rail. Go left along the rail if you intend to continue along the Falls Lake MST to Section 3. My Favorite Features of Falls Lake Trail Section 4:
  • Ferns. There are lots of them along the Section 4 trail. And, I love ferns, especially in the early summer after a rain. They're so vibrant and friendly looking.
  • Fun contrast between challenging technical stuff and super easy, flat stuff.
  • Some moderate hillage to work those hill-running leg muscles.
  • Shade is nice in the summer.
Features I Dislike:
  • Parking can be iffy. Even though signs state that the gate will be open on Bayleaf Church Rd. at certain times, it's not necessarily open. Parking outside the gate is easily done, though.
  • Spider webs and deer flies are plentiful in the warmer months.
Getting ThereAs is the case with Section Five, the best option for parking to access Section Four is at the Bayleaf Church Rd. boat ramp access area. Some sort of administrative office is located adjacent to the Section Five trail head, which is across the street from the Section Four trail head. The building has a parking lot. But, if the gate is closed, you won't be able to access it. Besides, you might not be allowed to park there, anyway. But, you can just park on the side read more..

Monday 9 July 2012

Ferroelectric Materials-Advanced Electronics-Atomic Structure

New advanced electronics? Unprecedented subatomic details of exotic ferroelectric nanomaterials

Scientists have described a technique revealing unprecedented details about the atomic structure and behavior of exotic ferroelectric materials, which are uniquely equipped to store digital information. This research could usher in a new generation of advanced electronics. read more..

Innate Immune System-Synthetic Protein-Illnesses-The Flu

Patients trust doctors but consult the Internet

Patients look up their Illnesses online to become better informed and prepared to play an active role in their care -- not because they mistrust their Doctors, a new study suggests. The study surveyed more than 500 people who were members of online support groups and had scheduled appointments with a physician. read more..

Keeping the flu away: Synthetic protein activates immune system within two hours

Researchers may have found the secret to helping the Immune System fight off the flu before it gets you sick. A new study finds that EP67, a powerful synthetic protein, is able to activate the Innate Immune System within just two hours of being administered. read more..

Rakai, Uganda-Circumcision-Implications

Wait and wipe, don’t cut

Last week, while looking for something else, I ran across a report that has big Implications for HIV/AIDS prevention in Africa: Almost five years ago, a trial of Circumcision to protect men in Rakai, Uganda, reported that intact (uncircumcised) men who waited at least 10 minutes after sex before cleaning their penis were at less risk [...] read more..

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Aggression In Dogs-Pain

If your dog is aggressive, maybe it is in pain

Dogs can sometimes suffer sudden episodes of aggression without their owners understanding why. But, in many cases, the cause of these attacks can be Pain that has never been diagnosed or treated. For the first time the study describes the characteristics of this irritability, which can make dogs violent and increase aggression in already conflictive individuals. There are many factors that explain aggression in dogs: the conditions of the mother during gestation, the handling of the puppy in the neonatal phase, the age at weaning, the experiences of the animal during the socializing phase, diet, exercise, genetics and learning techniques based on active punishment during adulthood. However, aggressive behavior also arises from the presence of pathologies and pain in the dog. read more..

Sunday 17 June 2012

Government Officials-Civil Society Groups-Bangkok, Thailand-Statute Books-HIV

Stop Using Laws as Weapons Against HIV Prevention

Open Society Foundations Blog: "These stories stand beside countless others as testament that what is written in the statute books, and what is done by governments and others in the name of the law, can significantly increase the vulnerability of groups that are already at a high risk of HIV and other serious diseases. This week in Bangkok, Thailand, civil society groups that represent sex workers, drug users, men who have sex with men, people living with HIV, women and children, and those seeking access to essential medicines, will sit down with government officials and policymakers from across the Asia-Pacific region to share their experiences of how the law affects their daily lives." read more..

Friday 15 June 2012

Pediatric Aids Foundation-Multinational Study-Congenital Syphilis-Pregnant Women

Africa: New Research Published Today Is Already Saving Lives

[E.G. Pediatric Aids Foundation] This press release details the results of a multinational study on rapid, point-of-care testing of Pregnant Women for Syphilis. Treating and preventing syphilis in mothers and infants could save millions of lives, and help eliminate both congenital syphilis and pediatric AIDS. read more..

Nigeria: 'Don't Reject Women Who Deliver At Home'

[Daily Trust] The FCT Primary Health Care Development Board, Abuja on Wednesday directed health centres and hospitals in the FCT not to reject Women, who delivered their babies at home before getting to the hospital. read more..

Hormonal Contraception-Birth Control Pills-Healthday News-Heart Attacks

Birth Control That Uses Combined Hormones Raises Heart Risk: Study

WEDNESDAY, June 13 (Healthday News) -- Sweeping new research comparing various forms of hormonal contraception -- including Birth Control pills, vaginal rings and skin patches -- suggests that the risk for heart attacks and strokes is twice as high among users of combined estrogen-progestin versions. read more..

Annals Of Internal Medicine-Intimate Partner Violence-Intimate Relationship-Abusive Behaviors

News From The Annals Of Internal Medicine: May 8, 2012, Online

1. Evidence Review: Screening Women for Intimate Partner Violence May Have Benefits, Few Harms Intimate partner violence, or IPV, includes a range of abusive behaviors perpetrated by someone who is in an intimate relationship with the victim. Abusive behaviors may include physical violence, sexual violence, rape, and psychological aggression - all of which have immediate health effects on the victim. While victims and perpetrators can be male or female, women are disproportionately victimized (up to 5.3 million women are affected each year in the U.S.)... read more..

Thursday 14 June 2012

Child Hiv Transmission-African Countries-Sexual Behavior-Hiv Prevalence

City Dwellers Are From Mars, Rural Dwellers Are From Venus, Or Something Like That

Despite the monstrous quantities of 'unsafe' sex that Africans are claimed to engage in by UNAIDS and other HIV institutions, HIV is not at all distributed evenly. Prevalence ranges from less than 1% in some African countries, a lot less than in some US cities, to more than 25% of the adult population in others (and even 50% in some demographic groups). Even within high prevalence countries HIV is not distributed evenly. In many African countries the virus tends to be far more common in cities, close to main roads, close to health facilities, among wealthier and better educated people, etc. It is also generally far more common among women than among men.
Other research has found HIV prevalence to be higher in areas where diseases such as schistosomiasis (bilharzia) and malaria are higher. However, as these both tend to be higher among less wealthy people with lower levels of education and in rural, as opposed to urban areas, there is more than a suggestion that HIV transmission may have widely varying risk factors. Yet UNAIDS and friends tend not to dwell on most forms of non-sexual risk in Africa.
As David Gisselquist writes in the Don't Get Stuck With HIV website: "Unlike Western countries, where almost all HIV transmission occurs outside families, a lot of HIV transmission in Africa happens within families – mother-to-child and spouse-to-spouse transmission together account for an estimated 45% of new infections." Not only is a lot of HIV not transmitted sexually, but a lot is not transmitted through 'unsafe' sex. Many of these couples where at least one partner is infected have no sexual risks. Hundreds of thousands of new infections every year occur through these two routes.
In Africa, then, the main groups are those at risk of mother to child transmission and married couples, especially couples where one partner has been infected. It's as likely to be the female as the male partner, but how does the index partner become infected, the first in the couple? Sex, says UNAIDS, but sex with whom, how much sex and what kind of sex? Heterosexual sex is not an efficient means of transmitting HIV. Gisselquist is suggesting that the focus of international HIV reduction efforts in African countries should address these and other risk groups, where sexual risk is very likely to be low but HIV prevalence is high; this could cut as many as 700,000 transmissions annually.
A serious set of risk factors could arise from unsafe healthcare and perhaps even unsafe cosmetic services. It's not just that conditions in healthcare and cosmetic facilities in African countries are primitive but also that many people are not aware that such risks exist; if they are not aware of the risks, they will not know that they need to avoid them, nor how to avoid them. But if they are aware, they will also realize that a person's HIV status is not a reliable indication of their sexual behavior. This should reassure some who have been brainwashed to associate HIV with 'immoral' behavior; many women, especially, have been beaten by their partners, ostracized by their communities and even killed because of the incorrect association of HIV with sexual behavior.
The HIV industry does talk a lot about the importance of HIV testing. But they also put people off testing where being positive has such terrible consequences. If people were to know that there were other, non-sexual risks, the stigma associated with testing and with having (or being thought to have) HIV should reduce. People who know their status don't tend to take risks, neither sexual nor non-sexual; but they must also be advised of the non-sexual risks. Those who are infected non-sexually can be involved in sexual transmission just as easily as those who are infected sexually. But in the current climate of sex-obsessed HIV policies, they are unlikely to know about non-sexual risk.
Prevention of mother to child HIV transmission is vital if the mother is already infec read more..

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide-Nitrogen Fixation-Cryptogamic-Growths

Wallflowers of the Earth system

In cities, the presence of algae, lichens, and mosses is not considered desirable and they are often removed from roofs and walls. It is, however, totally unfair to consider these cryptogamic covers, as the flat growths are referred to in scientific terms, just a nuisance. Scientists have discovered that these mostly inconspicuous looking growths take up huge amounts of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and nitrogen and fix it at the earth’s surface. Cryptogamic covers are responsible for about half of the naturally occurring nitrogen fixation on land and they take up as much carbon dioxide as is released yearly from biomass burning. These new findings will help to improve global flux calculations and climate models, in which up to now the carbon and nitrogen balance of the cryptogamic covers have been neglected. read more..

Success Story-Social Change-Zimbabwe-HIV

Learn From Zim How To Fight HIV/AIDS

RadioVop Zimbabwe: "'The modelling showed it couldn't just be the natural curve [of the epidemic]; the decline was too dramatic,' he told IRIN/PlusNews. 'The modelling suggested it was also due to behaviour change and behavioural data also suggested a change, but what was missing was the all important `why'.' According to Halperin, Zimbabwe's success story points to the power of social change and the need for more detailed analyses of HIV success stories in Africa. He compared it to the role of partner reduction in the fight against HIV in Uganda, which promoted a reduction in concurrent partners as the key focus of its HIV prevention campaigns in the late 1980s and early 1990s." read more..

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Infant Mortality Rates-Unwanted Side Effects-Investigational Drug-Insulin Sensitivity

Nigeria: Ekiti Speaker Raises Alarm Over Maternal, Infant Mortality Rates

[Daily Trust] Ado-Ekiti - Speaker of the Ekiti State House of Assembly, Dr. Adewale Omirin has said that a grave danger is looming in the country if nothing is done to address the high maternal and infant mortality rate in the country. read more..

Investigational diabetes drug may have fewer side effects

Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes can contribute to unwanted side effects, but researchers have found that in mice, an investigational drug appears to improve insulin sensitivity without side effects. The medicine works through a different pathway, which could provide additional targets for treating insulin resistance and Diabetes. read more..

Game Of Thrones-Season Finale

Already going through 'Game of Thrones' withdrawal after last night's season fin...

Already going through 'Game of Thrones' withdrawal after last night's season finale? Well, at least you can get fit like the Starks in the off-season with these GoT-inspired workouts
Old-World Calorie Burners | Fitbie
Skip the gym for one of these age-old activities read more..

Transmission Of Hiv-Joseph Sonnabend

Have we ignored a very simple procedure that could significantly reduce the risk of sexual transmission of HIV to men from women?

This was written together with Joseph Sonnabend In 2010 there was a great deal of outraged comment about the US government’s award of $823,000 to an HIV related project in Africa. Specifically, the taxpayer dollars were to be used to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex. The grant states; [...] read more..

Food And Drug Administration-Aids Healthcare Foundation-Poor Efficacy-Truvada

Is the Big Pharma Tail Wagging the Dr Dog?

In addition to the good work that the Aids Healthcare Foundation is doing to question the 'fast-tracking' of the use of Truvada as PrEP when it has so far shown such poor efficacy, a group of 55 US physicians have signed a letter, also urging the US Food And Drug Administration (FDA) to delay approval until further tests, which may take years, have been carried out.PrEP may be a great theory and Truvada may be a great drug. But there is little to get excited about yet. If effectiveness in the real world (as opposed to efficacy in carefully controlled trial contexts) can reach a reasonable level, which would be a lot higher than the unimpressive 44% found in the iPrEX study, then it will be time to consider the use of Truvada as PrEP.It's good to hear that some doctors are standing up for their patients. Others appear to be in the thrall, or in the pocket, of Big Pharma. Many AIDS and human rights activists seem to have got the wrong end of the stick on this one: people have a right to safe healthcare, not to be used as free lab-rat material.Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) involves putting HIV negative people on antiretroviral drugs (ARV) with the aim of protecting them from HIV infection. read more..

Monday 4 June 2012

Maternal Mortality-Health Facilities-Genetic Testing

Namibia: Maternal Mortality Stats Are Shocking

[New Era] Despite the Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality (CARMMA) that was launched in 2009, a shocking 61 mothers died in health facilities countrywide in 2009, 80 died in 2010 and a further 62 mothers died in health facilities across the nation last year. read more..

Not all patients will pay for genetic testing, study suggests

More than one-fifth of people who have received referrals to test for cancer-causing genes say they will only undergo testing if their insurance covers the cost -- just as more insurers are instituting cost-sharing for medical services like Genetic Testing, according to new findings. read more..

Voluntary Counseling And Testing-Religious Leaders-Hiv Prevention

SAVE families, stop HIV!

The International (formerly African) Network of Religious Leaders living with or Affected by HIV/AIDS (INERELA+) promotes SAVE as a response to Africa’s HIV/AIDS epidemic. SAVE stands for: Safe sexual and skin-piercing behavior; Access to treatment; Voluntary counseling and testing; and Empowerment. This note considers some of the ways that SAVE could strengthen Hiv Prevention in Africa. AIDS was first recognized [...] read more..

Retraction: 127 Zimbabwean Women-Antiretroviral Drug-HIV

RETRACTION: 127 Zimbabwean Women Were Not Infected With HIV During Trial

Following an article in, I mistakenly wrote that one arm of the Vaginal and Oral Interventions to Control the Epidemic (VOICE) trial, involving the antiretroviral drug Tenofovir, was stopped because 127 women taking the drug became infected with HIV. In fact, these women were taken out of the trial because of 'futility', the finding that it would not be possible to show that the treatment they were receiving was more effective than the placebo that another group was receiving.I apologise for reporting something so alarmist when the only source was an online article (which apparently also appeared in the Sunday Mail) that was released without any named author. I will take more care in commenting on such articles in the future. I have removed my blog post from the three sites where I placed it and will make the same efforts to publicize this retraction as I made with the original.There will be a press release confirming the above, which I will post as a comment to this report as soon as it is available.Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) involves putting HIV negative people on antiretroviral drugs (ARV) with the aim of protecting them from HIV infection. read more..

Friday 25 May 2012

Causes Of Maternal Mortality-Health Ministry-Women Health-Fine Details

Angola: Health Ministry to Run Seminar On Maternal Mortality

[Angop] Luanda - A workshop on the main causes of Maternal Mortality in the country, particularly in Luanda, will be held on May 28 here, as part of the celebrations of the International Day of Action for Women Health (May 28), ANGOP learned Monday. read more..

Discarded data may hold the key to a sharper view of molecules

There's nothing like a new pair of eyeglasses to bring fine details into sharp relief. For scientists who study the large Molecules of life from proteins to DNA, the equivalent of new lenses have come in the form of an advanced method for analyzing data from X-ray crystallography experiments. read more..

The World Health Organization-Outbreak Investigations-Health Care-HIV

Outbreak investigations: Facing and fixing problems

If a hospital or clinic infects you or your child with HIV, you’d probably call it a disaster. Health care bureaucrats and managers call it an “adverse event.”  How often do patients get HIV from health care in Africa? The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated it happens 50,000-100,000 times each year.  Other estimates are higher. That’s [...] read more..

Sunday 20 May 2012

Aortic Valve Replacement-Human Genetic Variation-Genetic Variants-Molecular Clock

Sutureless aortic valve replacement a North American first

A surgical milestone was reached on May 1st with a sutureless aortic valve replacement through a thoracic incision just 5 centimeters long. The two patients in their seventies who underwent this innovative procedure were doing well only one week after their operations. read more..

Hitting snooze on the molecular clock: Rabies evolves slower in hibernating bats

The rate at which the rabies virus evolves in Bats may depend heavily upon the ecological traits of its hosts, according to new research. Rabies viruses in tropical and sub-tropical bat species evolved nearly four times faster than viral variants in bats in temperate regions. read more..

'Rare' genetic variants are surprisingly common, life scientists report

A large survey of human genetic variation shows that rare genetic variants are not so rare after all, and offers insights into human diseases. A team of scientists studied 202 genes in 14,002 people -- one of the largest ever in a sequencing study in humans. read more..

Unsafe Injections-North America

Lessons from North American outbreaks – changing needles alone is not enough

[go to first injections page] [Note: Stephen F. Minkin ( submitted the following as a guest blog. Unsafe injections are a problem in North America as well, but not nearly as much as in Africa and Asia. When unexplained infections come to light, and when these can be traced to suspected clinics, state or national governments in North [...] read more..

Saturday 19 May 2012

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis-African Countries-Hiv Negative-HIV

Experts Unambiguously Opposed to Saying the Wrong Thing

Apologies for the lack of posting this year but I have had enough work keeping my other blog going. The subject of PrEP and related issues do also crop up there, though.
Daily use of Truvada has been backed for pre-exposure prophylaxis use by a panel of 'experts', which generally refers to people who are so well paid to say the right thing that no one else will disagree with them. It's likely that this use of the drug will soon be approved by the FDA. I wasn't able to find a register of the 'experts'' interests but I'm sure it would make interesting reading.
If approved, the drug will be prescribed for HIV negative people who are thought to be at high risk of being infected sexually, which generally refers to men who have sex with men in Western countries. The drug is not being considered for use by intravenous drug users. It is also unlikely to be of much value for commercial sex workers in wealthy countries as they are rarely infected unless they are also intravenous drug users or face other serious risks.
This suggests that PrEP is unlikely to be effective in high HIV prevalence developing countries, where high risk groups are not easy to identify. In many African countries, the bulk of infections among adults occur in married people and those in long term relationships, who don't face very high sexual risks. In other words, the drug is of little use as PrEP where it is most needed. But I'm sure that won't stop Big Pharma from lobbying the right people so that the potential tens or hundreds of millions of Africans can be exploited.
The process of palming off useless but extremely expensive drugs with potentially dangerous side-effects on Africans has been eased by years of publicity for the dominant HIV transmission paradigm, which says that almost all HIV in African countries is transmitted through heterosexual behavior. The fact that the paradigm is seriously challenged by empirical data has done little to influence policy, which concentrates on the politician, religious leader and media friendly process of wagging fingers, pointing fingers and poking fingers into the many HIV fuding pies.
Opposition from groups who claim to represent the interests of HIV positive people has almost all been taken care of in the time honored fashion of paying off anyone who speaks out of turn (or rubbishing anyone who won't take payment). A rare voice of dissent comes from the Aids Healthcare Foundation, which has consistently opposed the current trend of rushing into practices which have little empirical backing, but which mysteriously receive full backing from 'experts'.
Pharmaceutical front group Aids Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC), predictably, blow the trumpet for PrEP; pharmaceutical products ostensibly produced to treat illness would never have become as profitable if they were only used by sick people. But the UK's Nick Partridge puts his finger on the problem, probably inadvertently: "But we need to know if people at highest risk of infection are prepared to take a pill every day and whether there would be an increase in risk-taking behaviour which could outweigh the prevention effectiveness of Truvada."
The truth is, we don't know who is at highest risk in high prevalence countries, we know that most will not take the pill every day and it's very likely there will be an increase in risk-taking behavior, especially where people opt for PrEP because they know (or even think) they are at risk.
[For more about non-sexual HIV transmission and male circumcision, see the Don't Get Stuck With HIV site.]Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) involves putting HIV negative people on antiretroviral drugs (ARV) with the aim of protecting them from HIV infection. read more..

Tuesday 15 May 2012

First United Methodist Church-Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy-Respiratory Failure-Human Perspective

Liberia: Mothers Cautioned

[New Dawn] First United Methodist Church or FUMC Senior Pastor Erlene Perry-Thompson says by bearing children do not simply make one a mother. Rev. Thompson made the remark Sunday on Ashmum Street when Mrs. Medina Agnes Wesseh was honored as First UMC's Mother of the Year 2012/2013. read more..

Animal disease research misses the human perspective, say researchers

Animal disease research concentrates too much on the behavior of micro organisms while ignoring the role played by human beings; we need to take more account of the human dimension if the work of scientists is to be translated effectively into policy, according to experts. read more..

Scientists discover clues to muscle stem cell functions

Scientists have identified how skeletal muscle Stem Cells respond to muscle injury and may be stimulated to improve muscle repair in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a severe inherited disease of muscle that causes weakness, disability and, ultimately, heart and respiratory failure. read more..

Ginger Sauce-Soba Noodles-Sesame

Here's a recipe worthy of a "Ho! Ho! Ho!": Soba noodles in a sesame ginger sauce...

Here's a recipe worthy of a "Ho! Ho! Ho!": Soba noodles in a Sesame ginger sauce with steamed vegetables.
Soba Noodles in a Sesame Ginger Sauce With Steamed Vegetables
Chef Cate Bruce-Low, a.k.a. Tribeca Yummy Mummy, demonstrated how to make an easy soba noodle dish with sesame ginger sauce and steamed vegetables. read more..

Erratic Meal-Meal Timings-Acidic Foods-Lifestyles-Fast Foods


Nowadays, most people just gulp fast foods particularly processed and bottled foods and eat at irregular intervals triggering the incidence of acidity. While acidity itself may appear innocuous, it can trigger more serious conditions like oesophageal and gastric cancers. Surprisingly, very acidic foods such as vinegar and lemons actually reduce acidity while milk, contrary to popular thinking stimulates acid secretion. Next time, though don't bite off more than you digest !!
- Eat food low in fats - Have small but frequent meals - Eat cooked vegetables and sprouts
WHAT TO AVOID: - High fat meats - Dairy products - Caffeine - Chocolates and carbonated beverages - Fried foods and smoking read more..

Friday 11 May 2012

Gym Mistake

The #1 gym mistake you're making? You're not warming up. (That's how you get inj...

The #1 gym mistake you're making? You're not warming up. (That's how you get injured!)
Your Top 4 Gym Mistakes | Fitbie
Stay injury-free by avoiding these common exercise errors read more..

Just In Time For Summer-Lower Body Workout

Get your SEXY back (just in time for summer) with this lower body workout!

Get your SEXY back (Just In Time For Summer) with this Lower Body Workout!
Get Lean Legs and a Tight Tush | Fitbie
This workout will have you sporting a tighter lower body in no time. Learn how to perform these moves and hundreds more with the Exercise and Workout Finder. read more..

Minute Workout-Road Warrior-Gym Junkie-Dumbbells-Ditch

Whether you're a gym junkie or a road warrior, high-arched or flat-footed, you n...

Whether you're a Gym Junkie or a Road Warrior, high-arched or flat-footed, you need the right shoe to get your best body. Find yours here!
The Best Shoes for Your Workout | Fitbie
With so many options on the shelves, selecting the right shoes can feel like a workout itself. Find your exercise category and foot type, then let our expert-vetted guide simplify your search read more..

Lift more weight, lose more fat! Ditch the 5-pounders for heavier dumbbells and...

Lift more weight, lose more fat! Ditch the 5-pounders for heavier Dumbbells and transform your body with this workout.
15 Minute Workout: Lift More, Lose More | Fitbie
Build lean muscle and burn extra fat with this strength-training strategy. Learn how to perform this workout and hundreds more with the Exercise and Workout Finder. read more..

Monday 7 May 2012

British Veterinary Association-Slaughter Of Animals-Space Transportation-Crew Transportation

Researchers Use Online Crowd-Sourcing To Diagnose Malaria

Online crowd-sourcing - in which a task is presented to the public, who respond, for free, with various solutions and suggestions - has been used to evaluate potential consumer products, develop software algorithms and solve vexing research-and-development challenges... read more..

Slaughtering animals without prior stunning should be curbed, if not banned, professor urges

The slaughter of animals for commercial meat supply without stunning them first should at the very least be curbed, if not banned, concludes a former president of the British Veterinary Association in an opinion piece in this week's Veterinary Record. read more..

NASA's commercial crew partner boeing completes parachute test

The Boeing Company successfully completed the second parachute drop test for its Crew Space Transportation (CST) spacecraft May 2, 2012, part of its effort to develop commercial crew transportation capabilities that could ferry U.S. astronauts to and from low-Earth orbit (LEO) and the International Space Station. read more..

Sunday 6 May 2012

Vector Electric Field Instrument-Electromagnetic Waves-Solar System-Signature-Earth

Lightning signature could help reveal the solar system's origins

Every second, lightning flashes some 50 times on Earth. Together these discharges coalesce and get stronger, creating electromagnetic waves circling around Earth, to create a beating pulse between the ground and the lower ionosphere, about 60 miles up in the atmosphere. This electromagnetic signature, known as Schumann Resonance, had only been observed from Earth's surface until, in 2011, scientists discovered they could also detect it using NASA's Vector Electric Field Instrument (VEFI) aboard the U.S. Air Force's Communications/Navigation Outage Forecast System (C/NOFS) satellite. In a new paper, researchers describe how this new technique could be used to study other planets in the solar system as well, and even shed light on how the solar system formed. read more..

Friday 27 April 2012

Hiv Persistence-Hiv Functional-Hiv Research-HIV

Dr. Robert C Gallo Interview: HIV Research at a Crossroad? (Jan. 13, 2011): "Alain Lafeuillade: it looks like the terms ‘HIV sterilizing cure’ and ‘HIV functional cure’ are no longer ‘dirty’ words for scientists. What is the main gap in our knowledge about HIV persistence that should be resolved before we can envision new strategies to reach these goals?"Robert C. Gallo:  The answer is clearly demonstrating the precise cell types that are the source of persisting HIV.  This means cells that go beyond the common memory T cells that currently are chiefly studied, and demonstrating that by so-called “purging” these cells by activation mechanisms will lead to death of these cells.  At the moment this is the assumption." read more..

Sustainable Development-Humanitarian Services-Honorary Citizenship-Royal Society Report

Africa: Sustainable Development Means Tackling Childbirth Rates - Report

[SciDev.Net] London - Least developed countries (LDCs) must improve women's access to education and family planning if they are to achieve sustainable development, according to recommendations in a Royal Society report, People and the Planet, launched this week (26 April). read more..

Ethiopia: Meles Vests Honorary Citizenship on Dr. Catherine Hamlin

[ENA] Addis Ababa - Prime Minister Meles Zenawi vested an honorary citizenship of Ethiopia on Founder and Owner of the Fistula Hospital, Dr Catherine Hamlin in recognition of her outstanding humanitarian services she provided to fistula patients. read more..

Experimental Drug Avanafil-Erectile Dysfunction-Viagra

Avanafil: Do We Need Another Viagra?

The Erectile Dysfunction marketplace could get its first new entry in almost a decade with the experimental drug Avanafil, a faster-acting pill in the same class as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis, reportedly with fewer side effects. But do we really need another Viagra? “No, we don’t... read more..

Complications Of Pregnancy-Maternal Health-Ruptured Uterus-Maternal Death-Childbirth

Africa: MDG 5 - Africa Makes Haste Slowly On Maternal Health

[Vanguard] ANOTHER woman just died in Childbirth. Sentenced to death by Pregnancy! One dies every 10 minutes. For each maternal death in the world's most populous black nation, there are at least two dozen survivors, but they suffer from short or long-term disabilities including obstetric fistulae, ruptured uterus and paralysis and other physical damage caused by complications of pregnancy or childbirth. Each year, millions of children are left motherless. Over the next two years, these children are three to 10 times read more..

Monday 23 April 2012

Difficulty Sleeping-Infant Behavior-Deadly Disease-Encephalitis-Sleep Clinic

Infant Behavior, Cry And Sleep Clinic: Research Shows Efficacy Of Treatment Model

Having a new baby brings much joy to a new Family.But for a family whose baby cries for hours on end, fusses through feedings, or has difficulty sleeping, the joy may be overshadowed by feelings of helplessness and frustration.The treatment of that infant - and that family - will impact the parent-child relationship for years to come... read more..

In Rare, Often Undiagnosed Form Of Encephalitis, Early Treatment Improves Outcomes

A mysterious, difficult-to-diagnose, and potentially Deadly Disease that was only recently discovered can be controlled most effectively if treatment is started within the first month that symptoms occur, according to a new report by researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania... read more..

Sexually Transmitted Infections-Hormonal Contraceptives-Hormonal Contraception-Population Control

Depo Provera: English Guardian Aligns Itself With Neo-Eugenicist Policies

The English Guardian may face something of a dilemma when covering the WHO's failure to give clear advice to African women who have been persuaded to use Depo Provera and similar injectable Hormonal Contraceptives, which appear to be associated with a doubling of HIV transmission from females to males and from males to females; Birth Control is close to the heart of he who would control Population, Bill Gates, whose Foundation sponsors the paper's Global Development section. Not that the article appears in the Gates sponsored section; perhaps there is no such dilemma.
But Sarah Boseley sticks pretty close to the WHO's press release and says that women who use injectables such as Depo Provera should also use Condoms. As with the 'advice' from WHO, Boseley notes the use of 'dual protection' against pregnancy, on the one hand, and infection with sexually transmitted infections on the other. For Boseley and WHO, this means using condoms along with Depo Provera. But what neither seem willing to point out is that condoms on their own provide such dual protection.
So why would anyone want to use these expensive and possibly dangerous hormonal injections if condoms on their own give dual protection? Well, according to WHO and other 'experts' in reproductive health (often just a useful term for 'birth control'), condoms are not 'female controlled'; many people don't use condoms if they can help it. So rather than recommending that people who wish to avoid both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections should use condoms, they recommend that people use Depo Provera, despite knowing that many people who opt for injectable hormonal contraceptives (and various other methods) cease to use condoms?
The oral versions of Depo Provera and similar contraceptives are said to be unsuitable because women need to take them daily and they may forget, or their husbands may object, etc. Injectable versions are said to be women controlled and only need to be taken every three months. In reality, they are to a large extent controlled by those who supply them, often NGOs and other institutions who believe strongly in the population control paradigm of development. Whatever synonyms are used, the concept of control is always detectable.
Boseley claims that women 'choose' Depo Provera and similar products but these pharmaceuticals are aggressively marketed by some of the biggest NGOs working in population control. Use of injectables has increased considerably over recent years but it's difficult to work out whether that's a matter of availability or genuine choice. Given the political and financial clout that NGOs and institutions such as the Gates Foundation have over the lives of people in developing countries, it seems unlikely that birth control is as high on the agenda of people in African countries as it is for the various non-African parties on the bandwaggon. One might even wonder if anyone gives a damn what Africans think about such matters.
It's astonishing just how uncritical Boseley is, in fact. She parrots bits about the WHO's 'expert group', but it was not concluded that hormonal contraception is safe ("Current evidence is not strong enough to prove or disprove an increased risk of HIV from hormonal contraception"). Rather, it has clearly been decided that it is safe enough for Africans and other poor people; it is not much used by white, middle-class Westerners. These products have not been shown to be safe, far from it. But the most important consideration for the WHO is that their goal of population control is not compromised by worries about safety issues, which they have been aware of for decades.
The logical conclusion to be drawn from the WHO's findings is that, if people want to avoid unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, they should use condoms. The WHO statement is not based on a logical conclusion; it is a political declaration designed to protect the interests of Big Pharma read more..

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Brilliant Marketing-Merrell Road Glove-Shoe

Merrell Road Glove: AfnR's Bloggiest Shoe of the Week
Bloggiest Shoe of the Week

I'm amused when I see multiple blog posts about a particular shoe appear across the Web within a short time period. It's kinda like a virtual trade show dedicated to one product. Brilliant marketing, really—not that I know anything about marketing.Anyway, since I'm not a presenter at this week's trade show, I'll assume the role of the unofficial directory. So, if you haven't seen all the Road Glove hoopla that kicked off yesterday, check out these links for photos and first-hand impressions:

  • Running, Rambling, and all-around-awesome blogger Donald writes an extensive Road Glove review with vibrant photos and a giveaway!
  • Barefoot Josh attests to the Road Glove's merits as a marathon shoe.
  • The barefoot superhero from Maple Grove promotes the Road Glove's functionality and incites public interest with a giveaway.
  • The folks at also present a convincing case for the Road Glove with superb photos.
  • (post-publication update) MinimalistRunningShoes decided to wait until Wednesday to join the show with a review of the Merrell Road Glove that glows so brightly my monitor nearly burst.
Of course, there were already a few reviews of the Road Glove on the web before this week. They appeared in September and October of 2011. So, this is probably phase two of the Merrell Road Glove, etc. Spring pre-release show. Good job keeping the line in our sights, Merrell.Now, how do I go about obtaining my own "test" pair of Merrel Road Gloves so that I can confirm or refute all the claims made in the posts linked above? Hmm.... read more..

Trail Running Shoes-Sticky Rubber-Differential

Inov-8 Trailroc 235, 245, and 255 Preview
Inov-8 Trailroc 235, 245, and 255

A new range of trail running shoes from Inov-8 will tempt you in the Fall of 2012: The Trailroc™, a shoe boasting Inov-8's anatomic last, three Shoc-Zone™ options, and a uniquely designed outsole.

Trailroc Outsole

Like any good trail shoe, the outsole is the star feature here. And, the three cleat and rubber types comprising the Trailroc's outsole make for an interesting composition.Larger cleats made up of endurance rubber are placed in the high-wear areas, like under the ball of the foot. A hard, sticky rubber and more large cleats are positioned on the outer sections where grip and stability come into play most often. And, the toe and inner arch are comprised of a softer sticky rubber with smaller lugs.

Design Stuff

A couple of new design elements, changes to Inov-8's usual shoe upper construction and appearance, on the Trailroc caught my eye. And, even though you probably don't care about these minor design changes, I'll mention them. If I don't write about frivolous shoe minutiae, who will? Someone cares, right?So, for instance, the Shoc-Zone number now appears prominently on the lateral side at the base of the heel. This will undoubtedly help make the Inov-8 cushioning level system seem less enigmatic to new wearers of the brand. Fine.Also, from a lateral perspective, we see a few more wavy lines between the outsole and the upper. This differs from the rather simplistic, relatively lineless motif of previous Inov-8 shoes. In fact, the numerous lines in the midsole almost make me wonder how much cushion actually exists in their ZERO differential 235 member of the Trailroc range. See what I mean in the photo below from Natural Running Store.A more subtle display of the Inov-8 logo adds a new dimension to this range of shoes. I've always marveled at the rather conspicuous presentation of the logo on previous models, like the f-lite 230. Does a smaller logo indicate more brand confidence? I dunno. And, I'm sure none of you really care.Also noteworthy, I think, is the pull loop on the heel cup area. I mean, it's relatively large for an Inov-8 heel-pull-loop thingie. Will we complain about its aesthetic appeal when we look at the Trailroc in photos? Maybe. Will we notice it after putting on our Trailrocs? No. Again, this is a design feature that I'm only mentioning because I notice stuff that most people don't even think about.

Three Variations on Minimal

Since the Trailroc Shoc-Zone variations are being announced at one time I believe that these three shoes will be made available all at one time, too, next year. That's only logical, right? This is good. Having three options from which to choose all at once is better than buying one option before learning about a forthcoming more/less minimal option that you would have preferred in the first place. So, the Trailroc range of options are:
  • the 255 with a Shoc-Zone 2 (6mm differential)
  • the 245 with Shoc-Zone 1 (3mm differential)
  • the 235 with Shoc-Zone ZERO - 0mm differential)
I'm most intrigued by the 235, because, despite my penchant for my f-lite 230s, I've developed an affinity for shoes with a zero differential. But, the 235 is heavier than my other "minimal" trail shoes. Why? According to Inov-8, their ZERO Shoc-Zone shoes have no midsole. So, perhaps the outsole compounds are just that much heavier. I guess I'll just have to find out when I find out.


I'm excited about these shoes.Apparently less luggy than the Bare-Grip 200 or X-Talon 190, but more grippy than the f-lites, the Trailroc looks as though it will be a great all-around trail shoe for my East-Coast terrain, much like the Roclites. It's significant that the Trailroc will feature the fantastic anatomic last, something I've been enjoying immensely while wearing the Bare-X Lite 150 on road runs. And my toes are more likely to prefer the anatomic last to the Roclite's performance last on longer runs. So, the comfy anatomic last, coupled with the fact th read more..

Thursday 5 April 2012

Aids Healthcare Foundation-Yeghiayan Friedman-Ahf

By Lori Yeghiayan FriedmanAIDS Healthcare Foundation recently...

By Lori Yeghiayan FriedmanAIDS Healthcare Foundation recently brought its expert brand of HIV/AIDS services to the people of the deep South when one of its AHF “Magic Johnson” mobile testing units arrived on the steps of the Capitol in Jackson, Mississippi.
The services showcased by AHF were just a preview of coming attractions. Within the year, AHF will open an AHF Healthcare Center, as well as an AHF Pharmacy and HIV testing facility in Jackson. In addition, the group—the largest global AIDS organization—will operate a mobile unit, serving Jackson and the surrounding areas, in order to provide services to hard to reach populations.More info on this story at read more..

Receptor Molecule-Hot Chili Pepper-Mechanisms-Pain

An airbag for perceiving pain: Basic mechanisms governing the perception of pain discovered

Everyone knows how it feels to bite into a hot chili pepper or burn the roof of one’s mouth with a hot drink. This activates nerve cells that relay the potential threat to the brain, which then causes the person in question to perceive Pain. Over 14 years ago, researchers discovered the first receptor molecule that reacts to heat as well as to capsaicin, the active substance in chili extracts. At the time it was believed that science had come a big step closer to understanding the emergence of pain and its treatment with medicine. The disappointment was great when it was found several years later that laboratory mice from whom the gene of this receptor had been artificially removed still perceived pain. Despite repeated attempts to explain the causes of this observation, it has remained a mystery until now. Researchers have now deciphered basic mechanisms governing the perception of pain. read more..

Sunday 1 April 2012

Conference On Retroviruses-Opportunistic Infections-Antiretroviral Therapy-Internet Symposium

Fast online review of antiretroviral advances at CROI, March 3

ViralEd: "This 1.5-hour live Internet symposium will review and discuss the key studies on antiretroviral therapy presented at the 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. The symposium will feature five well-known and recognized thought leaders in the HIV field, with four serving as presenting faculty/discussants and one as program moderator."Comment (JSJ): There will be many reviews of the important Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Boston (Feb. 27 - March 2), most of them weeks or months later. This review has 5 top experts -- and happens on March 3, the day after the conference ends. It's free online for anyone, but you need to preregister.I'm attending CROI, but will also watch this summary on the antiretroviral therapy advances presented there. read more..

Friday 30 March 2012

San Francisco Va Medical Center-Maternal And Child Mortality-University Of California

Degree Of Lifetime Stress Exposure Linked To Inflammation In Heart Disease

Greater lifetime exposure to the Stress of traumatic events was linked to higher levels of Inflammation in a study of almost 1,000 patients with Cardiovascular Disease led by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and the University of California, San Francisco... read more..

Ghana: Improving Maternal Mortality - Moving From Promises to Action

[Public Agenda] The Executive Director of the Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights (ARHR), Vicky Okine, says there is the need for collaboration of all relevant stakeholders towards the fight against maternal and child mortality and accelerate progress towards achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5. read more..

Top Spring Break Destinations-Workplace-Exercise-Wine

Is your workplace diet-friendly? Get the scoop on how to outfit your desk for he...

Is your workplace diet-friendly? Get the scoop on how to outfit your desk for health with a few simple tips.
Exercise, Nutrition, Fitness and Workout Videos | Fitbie
Watch free online videos about dieting, weight loss, exercise & fitness, nutrition, and personal stories for your best body ever. read more..

Sure, a week of wine guzzling sounds grand--but spring break in Napa can be a he...

Sure, a week of Wine guzzling sounds grand--but Spring Break in Napa can be a healthy vacation too! Find out why it make our list of top destinations for fitness, here.
8 Top Spring Break Destinations for Fitness | Fitbie
Say goodbye to snow and cold with these scenic cycling trips, city running tours, and zen-inducing yoga retreats read more..

Thursday 29 March 2012

The Canadian Physical Activity-Fitness Practitioners-The Canadian Society-Sedentary Behaviour

New Canadian Guidelines For Physical Activity And Sedentary Behaviour For Ages 0-4 Years

In response to an urgent call from public health, Health Care, child care, and fitness practitioners, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), with assistance from multiple partners, has developed two important sets of Guidelines directed at improving the health and activity levels of infants and toddlers. The Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for the Early Years (aged 0-4 years) and the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for the Early Years (aged 0-4 years) are presented in the April 2012 issue of the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism (APNM)... read more..